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Envoy Mitchell Returning to Israel

US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell is returning to the region over the weekend. Since his last departure, reports indicated that he tried to submit his resignation to the White House, but President Barak Obama rejected it.

Mitchell will once again engage in shuttle diplomacy between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) in the hope of jumpstarting the diplomatic process. His visit comes on the heels of Wednesday’s Arab League recommendation to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to resume talks with Israel, setting a four-month time limit on such talks.

PA sources report that Mitchell will be meeting in Ramallah with Abu Mazen on Monday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. “jumpstarting” the peace process???
    Is that the new word?
    It used to be “kickstarting” the peace process!
    I guess after so many failed “kicks”, now they will try to “jump”!
    What a sick joke… telling a lion to make peace with a lamb… telling the lamb to make concessions to the lion.
    If this wasn’t so serious, it would be very funny.

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