Chareidi MKs Spend to Reach Out To Constituents

As is the case every year, the Knesset releases the figures, the amount spent by lawmakers to remain in touch with constituents. As usual, this year not being an exception, there are surprises.

The figures released include MKs from the previous 17th Knesset who only submitted their documentation at the end of 2008. As such, their expenses were calculated in the 2009 tabulation.

Yisrael Beitenu MK Lia Shemtov leads her colleagues, having spent NIS 95,000, of which NIS 32,000 was allocated for professional advice. MK (Hadash) Hanna Swaid came in second place, spending NIS 67,603. Third place goes to Kadima MK Yoel Hasson, spending NIS 66,000.

Leading the chareidim was Shas MK Amnon Cohen, who spent over NIS 59,000, of which NIS 7,000 went to speech writers and a similar sum for cellular telephone expenses.

He was outdone however by Shas’ Ariel Atias, a former minister of communications, who apparently understands the value of a cellular telephone. His cellular bill was NIS 12,413.

Degel HaTorah MK Moshe Gafne submitted records amounting to NIS 28,855 for photocopies and printing. He also spent NIS 1,600 for a printer and NIS 5,000 for a laptop.

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman spent NIS 9,471 on photocopies and printing, and NIS 2,000 on his cellular telephone. He also spent NIS 327 on postage, and NIS 4,500 on newspapers and NIS 16,653 to remain in touch with constituents.

MK Uri Maklev spent NIS 7,139 on his cellular, and NIS 2,250 for a mini computer in addition to NIS 2,889 on computer equipment. His pager was NIS 4,183, his fax NIS 3,125, with his expenses totaling over NIS 43,000.

Serving in Knesset for less than a year, MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Moses managed to spend NIS 41,982, of which NIS 32,500 was for office rent.

Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush spent considerably less, NIS 1,398 on an internet website, NIS 2,097 on advertisement, NIS 7,300 for computers, and NIS 3,310 for pager service.

Shas’ Avraham Michaeli spent NIS 22,000 to rent an office, NIS 3,599 for his cellular telephone, NIS 5,720 for office supplies, and NIS 936 for internet services.

Shas’ Nissim Ze’ev spent NIS 40,381, including NIS 4,660 for an internet website, NIS 8,074 for his cellular telephone and NIS 4,590 on professional books.

Shas’ Yitzchak Vaknin spent NIS 41,300, including NIS 14,000 for a computer and software, NIS 1,320 for a copying machine, and over NIS 8,000 for furniture.

Shas leader and Minister of the Interior R’ Eli Yishai spent a total of NIS 11,376.

One should be aware that an MK’s annual budget is NIS 49,000, not including additional funding for office rental. An MK is entitled to spend NIS 68,000. Some MKs submitted more than the NIS 49,000 ceiling since the sums include the carryover from 2008.

The record is held by Minister (Likud) Dr. Binyamin Begin, submitting a bill of zero.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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