Op-ED: What Does Ephraim Khantsis Have to do with the Betrayal of Mossad Agents in Dubai?

Friends of Ephraim Khantsis have drawn a strange parallel between the Mossad Dubai debacle and the Shin Bet’s betrayal of Ephraim’s rights.  Ephraim Khantsis is the political prisoner who was voluntarily deported from Israel, as was reported by YWN-Israel (http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=49440).
Jonathan Pollard, Mossad agents in Dubai and Ephraim Khantsis all share one remote commonality, say Ephraim’s friends in Israel.  Says M.: “All of them may have been compromised by the Israeli intelligence community and government because of their extreme love of the land.”
While clearly there is no real connection between the cases, there are some disturbing connections that most would probably rather never think about.
A Jew is Forced from his Homeland
At 7:00 a.m., Israeli Prison Authorities walked Ephraim Khantsis through passport control on the Third Floor of Terminal 3 at Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod, onto a New York bound jet with a one-hour stop-over in Kiev.  Khantsis had been in an isolation cell at Beersheva’s Eshel prison for the past two weeks.  He was not permitted visits, phone rights, or access to have any of his clothing or basic possessions, including prayer books and tefillin.  These basic religious and human rights afforded to any prisoner – Jew or Arab – were denied Ephraim. 
Ironically, Khantsis was never charged with commission of a crime.  At the time of his incarceration he was Israel’s sole Jewish Administrative Detainee.  This, after receiving a three month order of detention, several weeks ago.
British Laws, Israeli Dungeons
Administrative Detention is an antiquated, emergency military power inherited by Israel from the Colonial British Mandate that governed pre-state Israel.  In 1984, Israel finally canceled the “Majla” Islamic Turkish Ottoman Law that had, until then, been part of Israel’s law codes.  However, the country has yet to rescind the Emergency Mandate Powers used by the British against Jewish pioneers after the fall of the Ottoman Turks.
The British conquered Palestine in WWI from the Turks with the help of Jabotinsky’s Jewish Legion, subsequently their commitment to the Balfour Declaration, declaring a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan, then, did everything possible to dampen and destroy Jewish national aspirations in the years that followed. 
Administrative orders were one of the key tools used by the British in their efforts against Jews who objected to British treachery.  Indeed, the cruel and draconian orders stifled many efforts to create a strong Jewish presence in Eretz Yisrael.  Today, in an ironic twist of history, that same tool is used by the Israeli government against its own citizens with similar strong nationalist sentiments
Ephraim Khantsis Suicide Bomber?
Administrative detention has been used as a last resort, primarily against Arab terrorists who are considered “ticking time-bombs”.  It’s also employed when the state lacks admissible evidence against a dangerous suspect.  In short, it’s a last ditch effort to prevent a suspect from carrying out the final stages of a murderous plot.
All agree that Khantsis had no co-conspirators and no plot. All of the “secret information” submitted to the courts focused on certain “extreme philosophies” preached by the young Zionist firebrand. He possessed an ideology that his yeshiva and his interrogators had zero tolerance for.
Khantsis is a 22 year-old computer programmer who immigrated to the U.S. from Odessa when he was eight, graduated Stonybrook University last year, and came “home” to Israel to fulfill his life-long dream of aliyah.  Upon arrival in Israel, he enrolled in Machon Meir, a well known Zionist yeshiva in Jerusalem.  Machon Meir seemed like the perfect choice for a young Jew, new to Israel and new to Torah observance, seeking to study Judaism, and learn a beginner’s Hebrew in a pro-Israeli environment.  It is rare to find a yeshiva for beginners with a pro-state-of-Israel orientation. There are no shortage of Charedi institutions for beginners, that frown upon students enlisting in the IDF and mock the modern State of Israel for its secular character.
Betrayed by his Rabbis
Ephraim, however, was an odd fit at Machon Meir.  For on the one hand he maintained ultra-Zionist ideals, eager to study Hebrew and enlist in the IDF, but on the other, he passionately rejected the Yeshiva’s pro-government philosophy.  He viewed the current policies of Israel as treasonous and as a blatant betrayal of Torah.  Surrendering Jewish land, destroying Jewish homes and valuing secular laws over Torah were not things he could honestly show support for.
Ephraim made the “mistake” of speaking openly about his views at Machon Meir.  It was not long before these same views were themselves labeled ‘treasonous’ and the Shin Bet was informed.  Incidentally, Machon Meir is a favored grooming ground for Israeli agents because so many Jews with so many different foreign passports, who passionately worship the state of Israel, pass through their ranks.  Many are even in the process of conversion, lacking the common “Jewish traits’ that the Dubai police chief has so proudly thought to have discovered.  Students are regularly invited to meetings to become potential agents for the state.  Many, too, are asked to spy on their fellow students, to be sure that “right wing extremist” co-students are not planning crimes against Arabs or other state interests.
Ephraim’s Rabbis at Machon Meir gave him two days to change his views.  The Shin Bet operatives who came to his yeshiva several times in futile efforts to silence him were also at a loss how to deal with a young activist who spoke openly to them of his anti-government thoughts.  The Shin Bet first issued a more lenient administrative order, prohibiting him from entering into Judea and Samaria for three months.  But later, after Ephraim defiantly violated those restrictions, arrested him in Samaria with a more stringent Administrative Detention order signed by Defense Minister, Ehud Barak on Feb 16.
The Judge sees through the GSS
 The new order translated into three months in jail, without trial, and without cause or reason given.  District Court Judge President Moussa Arad was asked by the State Prosecutor to ratify the three month detention order.
Judge Arad was hesitant and perplexed. She had never seen a case like this, with a Jew who refused to recognize the law of the land and her authority; who asked not to have legal counsel; who refused to cooperate with the proceedings, but who appeared to have no concrete criminal or security plot that he intended to carry out.  She had seen Arab terrorist rings and suspects who had been seen with bombs or who had been recorded speaking in detail about specific terror activities they intended to initiate.  In these cases she had no problem signing off on the administrative order.  But here there were no bombs, there was no organization of terrorist co-conspirators, and she certainly had no specific plot to weigh in her decision.
Arad, understanding the inherent weakness and limitations of the Shin Bet case, and knowing that Ephraim posed no real threat to anyone, brokered a deal to ship Ephraim off to the United States for the duration of his detention.  From there he would be free to return in May.  She issued a ruling on February 22 effectively obligating the Israeli prison authorities to permit Ephraim to freely call his relatives in the U.S. and arrange the purchase of a ticket for him to immediately fly home to New York.  The authorities permitted one, sixty-second call to arrange the flight, three days later.  He was permitted to fly March 2.  No explanation has been given for this blatant violation of Arad’s ruling, which should have enabled Ephraim to call and leave jail nine days earlier.
Ephraim Sees no Reason to Cooperate
Ephraim’s attorney jumped at the opportunity to substitute three months jail for three months of “freedom” abroad.  Ephraim was less enthusiastic.  The Judge’s compromise proposal was an easy way out for the state, the defense attorney and for the judge herself.  No need to fight the order.  No need to fight for alternative house-arrest in Israel, with an electronic bracelet or other proposals that would have gained Ephraim his freedom in his new home, Israel.
Ephraim’s attorney, rather than fighting the order, expended all his skills of persuasion convincing the young and defiant detainee to accept the deal.  To the surprise of all, Ephraim who moments earlier refused to accept the rights of the government to issue the order and who refused to partake on any level with the proceedings, agreed to his voluntary temporary deportation.
A Precedent Setting Case?
 The Ephraim Khantsis case brings into question not only the use of the anti-Jewish, un-democratic, military emergency powers inherited from the British Mandate.  Indeed, without due process and basic legal rights, how does the modern State of Israel distinguish itself from tyrannical totalitarian states?  But more than this, it calls into question the degree of deprivation a loyal citizen of the state can be subject to when he has committed no crime, plans to commit no crime, and merely holds views that are at odds with the reigning authorities. 
For it is bad enough to hold a person in jail without offering him the right to review the evidence against him and without offering him the right of a trial and due process.  But to hold him in conditions worse than those of Arab terrorists is mind boggling. To deny a political-religious prisoner phone rights, visitation rights, prayer books and tefillin, and to prevent him from carrying out a court order that allows him to organize his release is an outright and blatant violation of his most elementary human rights.
The Israeli authorities have already alerted their American counterparts of Khantsis’ return, and the FBI has visited his relatives stateside.  How sad that Israel, now the target of an unprecedented international witch-hunt in the aftermath of the Dubai debacle, with hypocritical, Jew-hating European nations now sharing passport, flight and phone communication information to hunt down the Jewish assassins, would now appeal to the Americans to harass an Israeli citizen for no apparent reason.

(Yekutiel Guzofsky – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. This article/Op-Ed is ridiculous. The person you paint as the hero is not a hero. Rather, a person with more than a couple of screws loose. I am an alum of the Yeshiva in question. What you write is great fodder for a bad movie. However, it just ain’t so.

    As for your “Charadi-esque” continuous Israel bashing. Please consider that it is this State of Rashaim that allows you to live in peace and learn in Yeshiva. So, before you throw all the stones that you have in your bag, what happened to Hakaras Ha’Tov? You can go to Iran and set up shop there; I’m sure that they will welcome you with open arms. Repeat after me “Allah Hoo Akbar”

    BTW, I’ll give you my Iranian passport if that would help.

  2. You should cite the source for the conclusion that the assasins in Dubai were Israeli. The only evidence the non-Jewish papers have is that the Dubai police chief is sure it was done by the Mossad (in part based on some movies he saw about how the Mossad operates) and that some of the assasins were using forged passports issued in the name of Israelis.

    While it is possible the Mossad is incompetent, stealing Israelis’ identities doesn’t make sense for an Israeli spy agency, and ignoring security cameras doesn’t make sense for people coming from a country that is a world leader in marketing security systems. Not to mention, the guy in question was a fairly minor bureaucrat (albeit one who had murdered some people about 20 years ago), rather than some sort of “master mind”.

  3. This article is horribly written. Someone should take it down and start again. I got a headache just trying to read it.

  4. this article should not be on this site. Here is a bio about the author:

    Mike Guzovsky, also known as Mike Guzofsky[1] and Yekutiel Ben-Ya’acov,[2] is an American-Israeli follower of the late Meir Kahane. According to the British Government, Guzovsky is a Jewish militant. He is a contact on Kahane.org, which is on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of terrorist organizations.[3] He lives in the settlement of Kfar Tapuach in the West Bank.[2]

    The Anti-Defamation League report that during the mid-90s Guzovsky was the leader of Kahane Chai (an offshoot of Kach[2]) in the United States, where he demonstrated against Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and for Baruch Goldstein, who killed 29 Muslims.[4] When Rabin was assassinated in 1995, Guzovsky stated that “Rabin was bad for Jews” and said of his murderer, Yigal Amir, that “An intelligent man, one like this law student, had to act.”[1]

    He has organised peaceful resistance against the dismantlement of settlements.[2]

    In 2005, Guzovsky said in a PBS documentary that “We have thousands of civilians with the military know-how to instigate a mega-attack against Arabs, unidentified people, like Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir, who can do such a deed. No matter how much the security service and the police harass us, it won’t do them any good.”[5] The British government say that Guzovsky is actively involved with military training camps, and that he is “considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs and to provoke others to terrorist acts.”

    Guzovsky is on the list of individuals banned from entering the United Kingdom.[6][7]

  5. From the beginning, this Dubai case has been an obvious setting-up of Israel and Mossad. It reads like a Komedy Kops version of surveillance and espionage. No one sends a squadron when one or two will do; no one parades blatantly around in front of surveillance cameras; the Dubai security establishment clearly has two left feet and a hot desire to show how “on top” of things they are; there are many ARAB groups and countries who were happy to see that bum erased, and to flip the blame onto Mossad. Look at the “evidence” and – as was said on the John Batchelor show the other night – it was like “Murder on the Orient Express”: no one [one] did; everyone was complicit.

  6. #1 No one called him a ‘hero’ but you seem to think he is a criminal and that there is nothing wrong with arresting and jailing people, without due process.

    He is no criminal unless you think free speech is a criminal activity.

    You also seem to have a strong disdain for Chabad just because they do not agree with the anti Torah pro secular policies of the leftist Israeli government.

    And religious Jews were learning and studying and living religious lives since long before the present day government was established against Halacha that had said that no Jewish state should be founded before moshiach comes.

    And the leftists and the government you support are the ones who help terrorists and make Jewish land Judenrein so that more terrorists can use it as a base to launch more rockets from.

  7. #1 If you would know anything about the author, you would know that he is hardly “allowed to live in peace” (at one point he was expelled from his home for the months), or “learn in Yeshiva” (the Yeshiva that he is one of the directors of has been torn down on several occasions).

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