Livni Blames PM Netanyahu for Israel’s Waning Image in Global Community

Opposition leader (Kadima) MK Tzipi Livni launched out in a sharp verbal assault against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during a Tuesday session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee. Livni blames the prime minister’s administration for Israel’s compromised position in the international community.

She told the prime minister that he is wasting time and this is not contributing to Israel’s future as a Jewish state, adding his policies are in part responsible for Israel’s difficult position today in the global community. She accused him of selling out his electorate, turning his back on election campaign promises.

She urged him to make the necessary decisions and to resume talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) where she broke off during the previous administration, when serving as foreign minister under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Livni added that in the previous administration, Defense Minister Ehud Barak addressed security issues in the talks, and since he continues to serve as defense minister, he can once again address those very same issues.

The prime minister did not remain silent however, stating that it appears for Livni, having a piece of paper in hand is enough for her to guarantee the security of the nation, referring to UN Resolution 1701, which was the Second Lebanon War ceasefire agreement, accepted by Livni.

The prime minister went on to question just what concessions did the previous administration make, adding that each time a deal was at hand, the talks collapsed a ultimately, nothing was signed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Livni is not much of a believer in Chazal who state that halacha b’yeduah sh’eisov soneh l’yakov. If Israel’s position in the world is not good it’s because the world as a whole hates us. It’ll never be good. There will always be an excuse to deride Israel. Hadrian stated it very well. Who are you to tell me how to hate the Jews.

  2. Opposition leader (Kadima) MK Tzipi Livni is like the Obama just balbels a lot she was in the goverment and she stinkes just a self heating jew

  3. first of all, the idea that ‘eisav sonei l’yaakov’ does NOT mean that all non jews hate jews, this is a terrible mistake. we do have to try to get the non jewish world to like us, that is integral in being a light to the nations. the actual nation of edom once had a love hate relationship over time with the jewish people, but they don’t even exist anymore! the edumeans were forcibly converted to judaism by yochanan hyrcanus after 125 BCE, according to josephus, antiquities, 12, 8-9. there was idumeans that existed in the time of the roman occupation of judea, because they fought the romans on the side of the jews, as mentioned in josephus, jewish wars, 4,4, but it is not clear whether they were people who lived in the land referred to as idumea or if they were actually the descendants of the emodites.
    the reason i say this is because the nabateans were sometimes confused with the idumeans because they had moved into their land when the idumeans had left.
    it should be noted that, with respect to the gemara, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this nation had any connection to rome, which chazal call edom. in the arabic lands, the arabs were called edom, in the ashkenazi lands, the europeans were called edom, but the truth is that edom doesn’t exist anymore.

  4. Livni’s statements only confirm her ineptitude. She poses a real threat to Israel’s security. Thank G-d she lost the election. הנה לא ינום ולא ישן שומר ישראל

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