Report: Syria Seeking Withdrawal Timetable for Peace

According to a Haaretz report, Syria is willing to announce a cessation of hostility with Israel in return for a progressive withdrawal from the Golan Heights, in stages. The report quotes Gabrielle Rifkind director of the Middle East Program at Oxford Research Group, who met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem in December. She communicated with Haaretz via email, explaining the Syrian administration is willing to accept a two-stage withdrawal, calling for a withdrawal from 50% of the area in exchange for a Syrian announcement ending hostility with Israel.

Rifkind reportedly met with the Syrian foreign minister along with other Mideast “conflict resolution experts” hearing of a Syrian willingness to accept a two-stage withdrawal, permitting Israel to receive Syria’s response before completing the entire move.

“There could be stages of withdrawal, the timing of which could involve a form of normalization,” Moallem reportedly said. “Half of the Golan could lead to an end to enmity; three quarters of the Golan, to a special interest section in the U.S. embassy in Damascus: a full withdrawal would allow a Syrian embassy in Israel.”

Rifkind recently published her report based on the conversations with Moallem in the Guardian. She adds that the foreign minister views Turkey in the role of third-party mediator, praising Turkey’s reliability and trustworthiness.

The Syrian foreign minister reportedly explains that a treaty between Israel and Syria will then permit Syria to implement change regarding Hamas and Hizbullah, a move that simply will not occur ahead of an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan.

“Key questions, such as Syria’s support for Hamas, Hezbollah and its policy to Iran – would only be answered after withdrawal,” he said.

Needless to say Israel is at best pessimistic amid the daily realities, the strengthening bond between the Axis of Evil, Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas and of course, Iran, all working towards a common goal, the destruction of the State of Israel.

In recent weeks, Syria and the others mentioned have sharply stepped-up their disparaging and threatening remarks against Israel, warning they are staunch allies who will join forces against Israel in response to any Israeli attacks in Lebanon or elsewhere.

Syria’s pivotal role in the transfer of weapons of mass destruction from Tehran to S. Lebanon and Hamas-controlled Gaza is well document, and President Bashar al-Assad’s administration remains a true and loyal friend of the world’s most heinous terrorists, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who continues forging ahead towards constructing a nuclear bomb, a reality that would significantly shift the Mideast balance of power.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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