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Happy Purim – Gas Mask Distribution Begins

Ahead of Purim in 1991, the gas mask protection kits were placed aside during the first Gulf War, but today, Purim 5770, the kits are once again being distributed, as according to many, a conflict that will demand their use is a matter of “when” and no longer “if”, with existential threats facing Israel from Iran, Hizbullah, Lebanon, Syria and Hamas in Gaza.

A pilot distribution of the renovated kits begins today, Purim, in Ohr Yehuda and the results will determine if and where the distribution continues in a number of weeks. After the pilot program is evaluated, the nationwide distribution is expected to get underway in April.

The bid for a distributer was awarded to the Israel Postal Service, offering two options, pick up at a post office nearest to one’s home or a distribution center not further than a 30km (18 mile) radius from one’s home. In either case, the distribution is without charge. The second option entails a NIS 25 charge, and a postal messenger will deliver the masks to one’s home, only after arranging a suitable time with family members.

After the Ohr Yehuda pilot, officials will evaluate the logistics, media campaign to alert residents, resident participation and other factors. The actual nationwide distribution is expected to last three years but some IDF Homefront Command experts’ state in actuality; they believe it will take 5 years, not really responding to the obvious question, what will occur in the event of war before masks reach all homes.  Some of the difficulty surrounds budgetary limitation, especially for the more expensive passive mask systems that include a pump for the infants and small children. The new personal protection kits will be valid for the coming 25 years before requiring collection and service. Unlike in the past, atropine auto injectors will not be distributed this time. Those injections expire in eight years. One wishing to inquire as to one’s pick up center may phone 171 or search the IDF Homefront Command website.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Maybe we should have a fund raiser to help the budget for this, so that ALL HOMES can have one before Chas V’shalom anything happens. Three to five years is a long time to wait.

  2. Yeah, everybody have a freilechen purim with your gas masks. YW, what are you thinking? You think anyone has anything freilech if they have to use gas masks?

  3. If anyone is out there from Hatzoloh, law enforcement, or the military, do you know if this will protect people from nuclear weapons? I don’t think so.

  4. Bubby,
    A gas mask will NOt protect us from a well aimed spear. Its purpose is to protect us from poison gas which we know our enemies have.
    Please remember, it is a tool with a specific purpose, and it apparently does what it is meant to do quite well.
    A Frailichen Purim

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