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Report: Envoy Mitchell Threatening to Step Down

An Arabic newspaper published in Nazareth reports that US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell is threatening to step down due to the dead end in talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). The report adds that Mitchell expressed satisfaction regarding State Department involvement and statements backing Israel; but his resignation was rejected by the White House and for now, he will be continuing.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak over the weekend concludes his high-level meetings on Capitol Hill, including meetings with Defense Secretary Gates, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen, Secretary of State Clinton and Vice President Biden.

Secretary Clinton reaffirmed America’s commitment to Israel’s security and the need to impose harsh sanctions. Barak however explained the region is plagued with conflict and it is a region in which one does not receive a second chance if one fails in defending oneself. He stressed the Iranian problem is far from a local problem threatening Israel, but a world problem, calling for immediate crippling paralyzing sanctions which will compel Tehran to abandon its ongoing nuclear enrichment program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. There’s no such thing as the State Department ‘rejecting’ a resignation. They cannot force him to work against his will.

    If you want to leave, leave. What does he think he is, a draftee?

    Ridiculous charade.

  2. And Obama should follow suit for being so naive and adding instability to an already plagued region, creating more danger for America’s greatest ally, to a fault.

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