Iran & Syria Becoming Increasingly Good Friends

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad joined Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a festive state dinner as the two become even better allies, tying the common knot of friendship against Israel, vowing to stand at one-another’s side in case of warfare.

Also present was the third man in the terror circle, Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, with the three members of the axis of evil sharing dinner and ideas, not to mention threats against the “Zionists”, warning Israel that a military assault would spell Jerusalem’s annihilation.

This was without a doubt a gathering of high-level terrorism, with Ahmadinejad also speaking with Damascus based Hamas leader Khaled Meshal, along with Ahmed Jibril, who heads the PFLP terror organization, and not to be forgotten, Ziad Nahla of the Islamic Jihad. It is evident that these evil leaders all share a common goal, the eradication of the State of Israel, and perhaps equally worrisome is the realization that the elected President of the United States, Barak Obama, remains clueless as how to address the Mideast terrorist mentality. The lessons of 9/11 are played out foolishly in the form of Homeland Security regulations, yet profiling remains prohibited and true necessary definitive acts are not implemented.

The White House continues to extend a hand of friendship to Damascus, removing Syria from the list of hostile enemy nations, excitedly reporting America wishes to renew diplomatic relations. In exchange, Assad sits with America’s staunchest enemies, plotting attacks against American interests in the Mideast, openly advocating the destruction of Israel, Washington’s strongest and most reliable regional ally.

Just this week, Ahmadinejad stated that he envisions a new Mideast, one that is “Zionist free”, without Israel, joined by his allies at the dinner table, the radical elements who portray the true face of Islam and its destructive beliefs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Friends for the time being. They won’t like each other soon enough. The world does not focus on the acts of murder between shiites and sunnis or what arab muslims are doing to black muslims in Africa.

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