Lebanon Announces Arrest of Citizen in Another Spy Caper

The Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper, which aligns with Hizbullah, reported on Thursday that a Lebanese male was arrested on charges of spying for Israel. The report states the suspect in custody has been furnishing Israeli intelligence with information since 2000 and even visited Israel on two occasions towards accomplishing this goal, traveling via Ukraine.

The report states his Israeli handlers provided him with eavesdropping equipment and provided him with the knowledge to operate said equipment.

The suspect allegedly flew dozens of times in recent years to European and Arab countries to meet with his handlers, receiving payment and information. He is believed to have passed information regarding a Beirut neighborhood known to be a Hizbullah stronghold. He reportedly admitted to the allegations against him during interrogation, also informing authorities that in April 2009, when Lebanese officials arrested dozens of alleged spies, he was instructed by his Israeli handlers to destroy all eavesdropping equipment.

The suspect, Mishael, told interrogators a Lebanese Jew by the name of Eliyahu enlisted his services. Eliyahu left Lebanon in 2005. He told interrogators the Lebanese did not know he was a Jew, calling him (Eliyahu) Ili.

The military prosecutor in Lebanon has called for completing the investigation against Mishael towards learning exactly what missions he carried out for Israel.

A former officer found guilty of spying for Israel was sentenced to death in Lebanon last week.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This (and the events in Dubai) hint at a serious problem. If everyone in the Middle East who is suspected of being a spy in fact is one, and if they ever sign a peace treaty and no longer need spies, there will be massive unemployment, perhaps enough to cause a global recession.

    I guess they could all be retrained as bankers.

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