For the PA, There is No Dual Existence

While the self-proclaimed peace camp members in Israel continue to believe that if Israel would only make additional concession to the PA (Palestinian Authority), then true regional peace could be achieved.

In this case, the cabinet declared both Kever Rachel and the Ma’arat HaMachpelah “national heritage sites”, sparking outrage, fury, and threats of “another intifada” and a “regional holy war” from Israel’s “peace partner”, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyah.

Hizbullah joined in as well, calling the cabinet message “Israeli haughtiness” and “another attack against Islamic Holy Sites”.

Islam has recreated its religion by claiming ownership of Jewish holy sites, brazenly telling Israel and the international community that Israel, the aggressor, is damaging and occupying Islam’s holiest locations. After the infamous Goldstone Report was released, too many nations are more than willing to accept additional baseless accusations made against Israel.

While Israeli leaders continue probing, seeking the magic formula of land concessions that will earn Abu Mazen’s nod of approval, the PA on the other hand is uninterested in sharing or living side-by-side. This is evident by the many attacks perpetrated against Israelis who dare enter PA autonomous areas. This led to the IDF directive prohibiting Israelis entry to PA autonomous areas while Arabs are free to enter Israel proper, earn a living and benefit from Israel’s medical services and other amenities.

The very same PA is in the midst of a government-endorsed boycott of goods manufactured in areas through Yehuda and Shomron, with PA inspectors confiscating Israeli goods and trashing them, setting them ablaze, sending a clear message that in the eyes of officials in Ramallah, Israel is not a “peace partner” but a “stumbling block to Arab control of the entire area known as the State of Israel, which they plan to change over to Palestine.

Taking a cue from Israel’s left-wing and secular community, the White House and international community agrees, lending more than an air of legitimacy to Arab claims, with Israel’s current and past leaders expressing a willingness to make “good-will gestures” to the PA, translating to land concessions – giving away portions of Eretz Yisrael to the sworn enemies of the Jewish People.

Both Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres in the 1990s who persuaded the White House to enter into negotiations with the head of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, who until then was viewed as a airplane high-jacker and arch terrorist. Today, concessions and questioning our own G-d-given right [and obligation] to the Land is questioned by Israel’s very own leaders, who are more concerned with appeasing the White House and the European community than fulfilling our obligation to Hashem and his Torah.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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