Dozens of Pre-Purim Injuries from Fireworks

Magen David Adom officials report dozens of people have already been injured as a result of playing with fireworks, an unfortunate tradition in Israel among the children. One victim in Jerusalem was reported in moderate condition on Tuesday night.

Despite tougher laws outlawing the fireworks, the profit factor compels many shops to sell the items illegally, much of the imported goods substandard and increasingly dangerous, posing a greater hazard. An 8-year-old boy in the capital was injured moderately when the fireworks exploded in his hands.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. I just want to thank YWEditor for posting this story. My neighbor a couple of years ago wound up on Purim going to Staten Island University Hospital with Hatzoloh when the roll of caps she was trying to separate exploded in her hand setting her hand on fire. There can not be enough warnings about using fireworks.

  2. dear chushball u are a terrible parent how can you raise kids with fireworks and its not kibud av veim to insult a old lady
    you should be ashamed of yourself

  3. i am 27 and my little brother got killed by two israely kids throwing m-80s at everyone i dont think it was so funny i was very sad and scared my brother died five months ago on purim. funny thing is the next purim i bought tons of m-80s and threw them at everyone i saw because i was so upset truth is i am joking so dont be to scared im only 25 years old

  4. I don’t find anything funny about this story! The entire Toronto community and beyond will recall in horror an incident that took place on Lag B’omer, 5778. A 16 year old bochur was setting off a firework when it exploded in his face. He lost one eye. It could have been his life RL. I’m his mother.

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