Nachman Enchin Unfit to Stand Trial

The Jerusalem District Court on Wednesday accepted a psychiatric evaluation declaring Nachman Enchin unfit to stand trial for his actions, which led to the death of his baby daughter, 8-month-old Fruma z”l (

The court understands that he did indeed commit the act that led to the infant’s death, but his state is such that he cannot be held legally responsible. As a result, the trial against him was halted and he is being admitted to an appropriate institute.

Enchin already gave his wife a get as was reported by YWN-Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. In order to save myself the time it takes to read everyones comments let me reply to them before they’re written! 1 people sometimes are NOT responsible for there actions do to mental discabilities. Although it definitly is used too much in todays court system, it does apply sometimes. 2 If one is mentaly deranged at times and at other times acts normally, the halacha is that when he is stable he can give a get. 3 We do NOT know if the Rabbonon had knowledge of his illness when he was married. Therefore, it can not be inferred from here a lack of responsibility on their part. 4 Even if the above knew about his condition before his marriage there are many people who live happy and healthy lives while married and on medication. Could they have really known that he wouldn’t take the meds and end up killing his daughter. I’m sure I didn’t answer all people with this comment, but I think I did respond to many!

  2. #2, who are people like him???? It could be your neighbor, your cousin, your friend and even c”v your family member.

    Hashem gives everyone different nisyonos. Maybe this one is for you and others who judge harshly without understanding and compassion. There is a man walking around BP for years who has jobs by rachmonus from various stores. He always threatens kids and they are afraid of him, he shows up at every simcha and irritates people with his loud comments and demands. This particular man was a brilliant talmid as a child. Truly, truly brilliant. Then one day he snapped. Do you know why? His Rebbeim were comparing his brothers to him and they didn’t reach his high standards and abilities. It got to him and he snapped. A perfectly normal Talmid.

    No one feels it is necessary to lock him up. Baalei simcha when he shows up give him sholom aleichem and thank him for coming making him feel like an honored guest. Chassanim dance with him at their weddings. Although he is annoying and disruptive people show compassion for him.

  3. I’m sorry, aries2756, how can you said that? that is nonesense, yes, HaShem gives different nissionot to everyone, but to take lightly the killing of a pure neshamah, just because this guy is a looney, is beyond me. yes there are people like the one you mentioned, I have one here in my shul in Israel,unfortunally he’s deaf, and disrupt the tefilot all the time, yes he’s annoying, but that’s no reason to get rid of him, this monster on the other hand (yes, he is a jew, and could be a brother, cousin, friend,ect…) killed a baby, get that in your skull!!! and people like him, should be put away for life.

  4. There aren’t any “shoulds” here. The unfortunate fact is that this man killed his own child. Due to his illness, he is a danger to other people and possibly to himself. Therefore he has to be hospitalized to keep other people safe. He seems to be seriously ill, so it will probably not be safe to release him for a very long time. There is no point in being angry at him – pity is probably more appropriate. Pity – and gratitude to HaShem that we do not ourselves have this nisayon.

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