Hamas PM Calls for Intifada Over Heritage Sites Declaration

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah is calling for another “intifada” (armed resistance) in response to the Israeli cabinet declaration on Sunday regarding national heritage sites, including Kever Rachel in PA-occupied Beit Lechem and the Machpelah in Chevron.

The Hamas terrorist leader on Tuesday called on leaders and residents of PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron to launch a “new intifada” in protest over the move. He called on Arab nations to come out openly in support of the “Palestinian resistance” and for the PA leaders to refuse to return to diplomatic talks with Israel following the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) also released statements today, calling Israel’s decision to include the two holy sites “a provocative dangerous act that may lead to a regional religious war”. Speaking in front of European officials, Abu Mazen added the Israeli moves follows a call from US President Barak Obama, to Israel, to engage in confidence-building measures. He stated the time has come for an “appropriate intensive” response from the international community against Israel.

He reiterated his standard mantra, calling for a total cessation of all Israeli construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron; a move which he insists is destroying efforts to achieve regional peace.

In a PA parliament meeting on Monday, a condemnatory message was released concerning Israel’s decision to include the Machpelah and Kever Rachel on the heritage site list.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I’m still baffled by this whole thing. The only reason I can see the Arabs complaining about this is for political reasons. They don’t deny that Rachel is buried in… Rachel’s tomb. They don’t deny that Abraham is buried in Maras HaMachpelah. They are prophets and the Jews comes from them. What could possibly be the problem with Israel choosing these places for preservation and refurbishment? The alleged leaders of the Arabs are hijacking religion for their political cause because I can’t see how there’s any religious problem here.

  2. hmm, where is richard goldstone now?
    when the palestinians declare a civilian war against jews, it’s acceptable, but when the israeli military attacks hamas military installations, its a crime against humanity

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