Taking the Chareidi Boycott to a New Place

An organization calling itself “V’Shamru” has begun placing ads in the chareidi media against shopping at Shefa Shuk, explaining consumers must understand that AM:PM and Shefa Shuk are one, and therefore, the Shefa Shuk boycott must be effective.

Ads depict Kobi, the owner of a Shenkin Street branch of AM:PM, explaining “Hamas wants to strike our bodies while AM:PM attacks the soul of the Jewish People, violating the shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. there is nothing wrong with a good old fashioned boycott as long as it is done a proper way and then just hope that the company due to financial pressure will buckle under and do as the community wants.

  2. I think some people have too much time on their hands. If they spent the time learning instead of checking everyone elses lives they might be better off. Also, look at how this appears to the those who do not share the views of those calling for a boycott. Is it really a kiddush Hashem or with all their catterwalling is it realy a chillul Hashem.
    We have a chiyuv of bain adom l’adom, instead of a boycott, try working with company from a cooperative stand point, and not an agressive one.

  3. Those who sit and study Torah still need to eat and use other items bought from stores.

    So when they go to buy (or when others go for them) they can buy only from Shomer Shabbos stores.

    The boycott does not have to interfere with doing mitzvos and studying Torah.

    The Cheredim can say they want to cooperate, and the store says “ok then cooperate with us staying open on Shabbos”.

    What should the Cheredim do next, other then boycott?

  4. They should make it clearer why this differs from the other conglomerates running Mehadrin supermarkets, where their other businesses are Mechallel Shabbos.
    If they would recommend buying only by totally Shomer Shabbos owned businesses, at least it would be consistent.

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