Mr. Shalit Concerned Over the Lack of Diplomatic Action

Arriving at the Kerem Shalom crossing to Gaza on Tuesday morning escorted by activists working towards his son Gilad’s release from Hamas captivity, Mr. Noam Shalit expressed concern over the lack of diplomatic activity on his son’s behalf, also citing the prolonged absence of the German mediator.

The activists pasted stickers on fuel trucks preparing to enter Hamas-controlled Gaza via the crossing that read “The siege is not a Heavenly decree and you will be permitted to breath when Gilad is released”.

While he and his wife Aviva remained quiet for a prolonged period of time, Mr. Shalit has once again become vocal, expressing family concerns that a final opportunity to obtain their son’s release may be missed. Last week, he called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to exhibit leadership qualities and to make the painful decision to bring Gilad home, namely the release of all the terrorists on Hamas’ release.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. as a parent they are doing what they feel is right and what they are supposed to do , however it is very hard for a parent to really be objective in such a case

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