Hundreds of Chareidim to Receive Mumps Vaccine

With the continued spread of mumps in Eretz Yisrael, having an impact on the chareidi and dati leumi communities, it appears many many yeshiva students may be heading to their nearest kupat cholim (HMO) health clinic for a vaccination.

Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman is expected to decide to make the vaccination available, seeking to inoculate those in contact with persons infected with the illness. The directors of HMOs have been notified of the minister’s plan, instructed to prepare for a wave of requests for the vaccination.

Aides to the minister stress that a final decision will be forthcoming in the next day or so and while it appears the vaccination program will be implemented, Litzman has yet to announce his final decision at this time.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. The one thing missing in all these mumps stories is that just about all the people getting the mumps now were vaccinated as kids. My neices, nephews, bro in law, & friends who’ve had it were all vaccinated!!!

  2. 2, ‘dr deepthinker’

    So for 5700 or so years people weren’t getting enough D3??? I doubt it!

    I suggest you stick more to thinking & less to talking or writing about what you think.

  3. “…all the people getting the mumps now were vaccinated…”

    Yes, they were. And the artificial vaccination procedure lasts for only about 5 years.

    When you actually get the mumps, you are immune for the rest of your life.

  4. A few Dr’s tested cases in my town in Britain, and it turns out not to actually be mumps, but a different (similar) virus. Can’t remember the name of it. I do think real mumps is going around in E.I though.

  5. deepthinker do a LITTLE MORE DEEP THINKING!It’s you people who think you know better than the entire medical establishment who are helping to proliferate this mess.

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