Horror: Family Killed While Traveling to Family Wedding

The story of yesterday’s fatal vehicular crash (reported by YWN Israel) on Route 25, the Aravah Road on Monday is tragic, but more so when it was learned the victims were traveling to a family wedding, a trip that turned to tragedy, destroying an entire family, the calamity was that much greater.

The driver, a resident of Rahat, slammed into the passenger vehicle head-on. He veered from his lane, seeking to tell police his actions he was in control of his truck, but police accident investigators seem to feel the evidence on the scene says otherwise, that he was driving recklessly.

The day began with smiles, as Liron Eliezer and Yaniv Buchbut were getting married. Unfortunately, the realities of the day changed as Liron’s aunt, 51-year-old Ruti Dahan was killed, along with Sarit Cohen (19), Lior Dahan (31) and his wife Tali (34) and their daughter Shilat (5 months). They were planning to show off Shilat to the family at the simcha, but they never arrived.

After hearing of the tragedy, the family spoke with rabbonim and they were instructed to continue with the chupah as planned. One family member explained that “inside, we were crying but outwardly, we smiled and celebrated with the choson and kalah”.

Most of the guests present were unaware of the horror that occurred before the chupah. After family members were informed there were many tears shed outside the wedding hall. The news was only passed to the choson and kalah on Tuesday morning, as well as an elderly grandmother, informed before the levayos began.

The family left Eilat on Monday morning, looking forward to the journey north to Haifa for a family simcha. Suddenly, about 200 meters north of Aravah Junction, the simcha ended, abruptly, in one fatal blow, as the truck slammed into the car which immediately burst into flames, making any rescue attempt impossible. Five family members were unable to extricate themselves and they burned to death in the inferno.

All the victims were residents of Eilat. Police report that at a sharp curve in the road, the driver, 24-year old Muhmad el-Jibor lost control of his truck, veering into the opposing lane of the two lane highway [which is dubbed the “Death Highway” due to its one lane in each direction with no divider to separate opposing traffic].

El-Jibor told police that his overhead glove compartment opened, distracting him, but they are not buying it. Police on Tuesday morning told the press that he has changed his story several times during questioning. El-Jibor was transported to Soroka Medical Center with moderate injuries following the crash.

They suspect he may have dozed off, citing the chronic problem of truck drivers spending too many consecutive hours behind the wheel. Muhmad’s father expressed sorrow over his son’s actions, which led to the loss of many innocent lives.

Paramedic Chezi Mordechai explained that he and others stood at the side staring at the vehicle engulfed in flames, realizing the horror that occurred, unable to attempt to save any of the victims who were trapped in the inferno. Fireman Gershon Klimi explains that despite the flames, firefighters worked to save the occupants, but it was not meant to be.

According to Mazel Cohen, Eli Cohen’s sister, the father of Sarit, one of the victims, the family tried frantically to save the baby, Shilat, with eyewitnesses explaining they threw her out of the window. They succeeded, but the infant did not survive her injuries. She was the only body found outside of the vehicle.

Sarit entered the IDF a few short weeks ago, Mazel explains in a crying pained voice, seeking to find the words to explain her fine midos and simchas chayim.

The news traveled quickly reaching the parents of Tali in Ofakim, Chaim and Chana Vaknin. “An entire family snuffed out, gone, because of the error of a foolish driver” cried Tali’s sister Osnat. “All that remains are the beautiful photographs of my sister, her husband and my beautiful niece”.

Tali worked in a supermarket and Lior, her husband, worked for the Tempo beverage company in Eilat. Her mother, Ruti, worked in Bituach Leumi. The only family member remaining in Eilat is Itzik, Lior’s father.

As of Tuesday morning, 58 people were killed on Israel’s roadways since January 1, 2010. From 2003-2008, 58 people were killed on Route 25.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Baruch dayan emes. This is so sad. But why don’t they do something about this highway? If they know it, then let them correct it.
    Hashem should comfort those mourning family and may he protect us all from pain.

  2. There are (probably many but at least) two ways to make this highway safer.

    #1 Barriers that could be made high enough and thick enough so that even large trucks could not get through or over, them.

    #2 Rasied bumps along the sides of each lane that skahe dozing drivers awake.

    The lane would be smooth but the instant someone changes lanes they get this jarring sensation so that anyone dozing and drifting into another lane will wake up before hitting another car.

  3. Baruch Dayan HaEmes. What a terrible tragedy for everyone, including the rescue workers who couldn’t do a thing to help. There are no words to understand the pain of the family & friends.

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