Terrorists Working in Earnest to Bring Rockets to Yehuda and Shomron

While authorities prefer to hide the fact that a handful of rockets have been fired in Yehuda and Shomron during recent years, it appears the advancing terrorist infrastructure in Hamas-controlled Gaza is working in earnest to establish a similar scenario throughout Yehuda and Shomron, wishing to bring their terrorism to Israel’s heartland.

PA (Palestinian Authority) security forces reportedly informed Israel that in recent weeks, they stumbled across a rocket manufacturing operation in Shomron. They report that Hamas cells are operating in PA autonomous areas in Yehuda and Shomron, seeking to advance their terrorist agenda. One such operation was uncovered in Bet Sira, near Ramallah, east of Modi’in and close enough to fire rockets into the heart of that Jewish city.

PA officials report the rocket found carried a military grade explosive, not homemade as was used for many years in Gaza. They also report a metal manufacturing facility was in place to manufacture additional rockets. PA officials reportedly turned evidence over to Israel and an investigation is underway.

Israeli officials report this does not mark the first time that PA forces turned over a rocket and other armaments during the past half year, in line with reports that Hamas continues to extend the reach of its terrorist tentacles, increasing its base in PA areas in Yehuda and Shomron while continuing to grow in popularity, presenting a greater threat to the already waning popularity of Fatah leader Abu Mazen.

For Israel, it remains imperative to prevent Hamas continued growth in those areas, as the terrorist regime, which enjoys Iranian, Syrian and Hizbullah support, continues to create facts on the ground, continuing to prepare itself for the next round of armed conflict with the IDF.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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