MK Elkin: What About Kever Yosef?

In response to Sunday’s grand announcement adding the Machpelah and Kever Rachel to the national heritage site list, coalition leader MK (Likud) Ze’ev Elkin questions why Kever Yosef is being ignored.

He reminds the government of the promises made at the signing of the Oslo Agreement in Sept. 1993, promising free access to holy sites, a commitment signed by the PA (Palestinian Authority) as well as the United States, but sadly, one that is ignored by all parties involved.

Elkin reminds the prime minister and government ministers of the importance of Kever Yosef, a place where so many have been mispalel, and a place where he believes Jews should be permitted to access freely, to daven on behalf of Gilad Shalit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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