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Avreich Saved from a Stabbing Attack in Yerushalayim

An avreich who was simply trying to save money, last week took his vehicle to an Arab owned garage in the eastern capital, the Wadi Joz area, known for the many Arab run garages. He explained to Kikar Shabbat that he was going to leave his car to be worked on, but was first sent to a neighboring garage to get a part that was required.

Upon his arrival at the second garage, another vehicle stopped, blocking him. Making eye contact with the occupants, he noticed two Arab males who shouted hateful epithets at him. He tried speaking with them, asking “what is wrong” but they did not respond and were uninterested in hearing what he had to say, as he quickly discerned.

He got into his vehicle, but felt something was wrong, uneasy with the situation. Suddenly, he saw one of the Arab males take an extremely large screw driver out of the trunk of his vehicle as head for him. He opened his car and ran into the street but the would-be attacked followed, undeterred and chasing after him. Baruch Hashem, they reached a busy place, and the volume of people deterred the attacker who turned back.

When the avreich returned, some of the windows of his vehicle were smashed and the tires slashed, making his money-saving venture quite an expensive proposition.

Police arrived but the avreich expressed his disappointment, explaining once they determined that he, the intended victim was unharmed and that the attacker fled, they left the scene.

The avreich admits he was among the fortunate, emerging physically unharmed, adding he will never again attempt to save money by placing himself in a compromised security position.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. …employ Arabs?…This is much worse! This guy risked his life by entering an Arab neighborhood to save some money. There were no Jews there to help.

  2. wasn’t there an article saying this exact same thing happened to an avreich who tried to save money changing his tyres a couple months ago?!?! why don’t people learn?!

  3. there are dome whose money is more important than their lives. This story ust be publicised more to educate the people to keep away from the arabs.

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