Israel: Terror Alert Halts Nationwide Mail Service [UPDATED]

12:47 PM IL: After a suspicious object was discovered in the mail in northern Israel, Israel Postal Authority officials have halted nationwide mail delivery on Monday.

This includes patrons requesting packages at post office branches. All mail sorting and service has halted, apparently the result of the incident accompanied by credible intelligence information of possible explosives or other hazards in the postal system.

The incident involving a suspicious package took place in Migdal Ha’emek. Postal employees are instructed to check all items with extreme care, and citizens are urged to phone authorities if anything out of the ordinary is noticed.

1:55PM IL: According to Israel Postal Authority spokeswoman Meirav Lapidot, the shutdown of the service only impacts parcels, not letters.

Lapidot explains there were two suspected bombs in the northern location and authorities responded. A gag order has been placed on the situation and at present, the postal service will not accept any parcels and those already in the system are not being delivered and they may not be picked up.

Letter service is operating.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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