Israeli Left Continues to Rant On

It has been about 17 years since the Oslo Agreement ceremony was held on the White House lawn and by now, the international community should have come to terms regarding the colossal failure of the agreement, as well as subsequent so-called peace agreements such as Camp David II, Wye Plantation, Annapolis and let’s not forget America’s Roadmap Plan.

Sadly, not only has the international community exhibit an inability or unwillingness to come to terms with such an unwanted reality, the left-wing community in Israel does not blame the PA (Palestinian Authority) or Hamas; but Israel, for not make more concessions which certainly would have showered us in peace and warmth from our Arab neighbors.

Members of the Israeli Left met again on motzei shabbos, numbering several hundred, gathering outside Tel Aviv’s Cinematheque to condemn the Netanyahu administration’s failure to adhere to the 10-month construction freeze, citing the violations which they attribute to the breakdown in talks between Israel and the PA.

Meretz leader MK Chaim Oron stated that both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak would be responsible for the “disaster that will befall us” while Yariv Oppenheim of the radical-left Peace Now organization state Barak is busy making peace between Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Shas’ Eli Yishai.

Among the outraged self-proclaimed “peace activists” as Labor MK Eitan Cabel, who condemned his party for remaining in the coalition government, accusing them of being more concerned with their positions of power and honor than clinging to the party’s platform and ideals.
Making an appearance was none other than Dr. Naomi Chazan, whose Purim mask has been lifted after it has been learned her New Israel Fund was the impetus behind the damaging Goldstone Report, bringing the wrath of the international community down on Israel.

Chazan accused Prime Minister Ehud Barak of supporting “zealots”, who have “waged a war on human rights organizations in Israel,” obviously making reference to the Im Tirtzu organization that has unveiled her major anti-Israel activities. 

Participants in the protest wore Bibi and Barak Purim masks to add symbolism to the senior official’s masking their true agendas from the public.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. wow, this is really one sided! you just come out with these senseless statements that are totally baseless, like that the ‘leftists’ all blame israel for whats happening! just because a person is left wing does not make them pro palestinian, and it does not make them blame israel!
    i do believe in peace, but not to the point of ignoring the fact that people are actively trying to kill us! i believe that there is a time for war.
    and, when the politicians talk about ‘zealots’, they mean people who are moving onto settlements that are controversial, just to make a statement, and sometimes become violent with regular palestinians who arent involved. that is not acceptable, especially when it’s done by religious jews.
    there is enough land in well established cities and settlements where people can live peacefully.
    let the military take care of the people who are trying to kill us.

  2. No, it reminds me of the bussloads of ACORN drones surrounding the houses of AIG workers where they demanded the workers come out of their houses to be slaughtered by the liberal, capitalism hating, thugs.

  3. Palestinien is not a race but a political party and all who join ‘want’ to be terrorists.

    The ‘territiories’ are Jewish land.

  4. hereorthere,

    It is the AIG executives who should be considered “thugs”. They almost brought down the entire capitalist system with their legalized gambling, and they contrived it so that there was nothing anyone could do about it. That kind of theivery — and halachah would consider it to be theivery — is far more dangerous than every ACORN organizer.

  5. hereorthere,

    i disagree with you, not all people who identify as palestinians want to be terrorists. many of these people are farmers who are just trying to earn a living.

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