For Russia, Integrity Above All

Despite the mounting concerns of the international community regarding a potentially nuclear Iran, Russian officials insist that for the Kremlin, its integrity remains of paramount importance, and therefore, it will complete the deal for the sale of the sophisticated S-300 air defense system to the Iranians, despite strong Israeli objections.

Russian President Putin is well-aware that the weapons system in the hands of the Iranians will significantly complicate an Israeli or Western aerial assault against Iran’s nuclear facilities, but Moscow prefers to turn a blind eye and move ahead with the deal. Putin is the same major Western ally who sells advanced weapons to Syria, weapons which make their way to Hizbullah and Hamas in Gaza. Even more ironically, Russia continues playing both sides of the fence, serving as a member of the Quartet and simultaneously, siding with China against imposing crippling sanctions on Iran.

Not long after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu departed from Russia, armed with assurances that Moscow would “hold off” on the S-300 sale, Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Ryabkov stated on Friday his country will honor its commitment with Iran. Ironically, perhaps intentionally playing the diplomatic game, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov released a message, one of concern over the lack of Iranian cooperation with the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Alas, good old Russian integrity. These Russians have so much inegrity that they can be counted on to always take a position against jews.

  2. russia china and iran is not a good war…
    why do i like all of our enemies more than any of our allies? lets aim our guns to the west instead of the east. you think iran is our biggest threat, moshiach would be here by now if not for horrific troubles in the west currently.

  3. Just for your info. Vladimir Putin is not the president of Russia. Medvedyev is. Putin “officialy” is the prime minister and does not hold the highest office in the country. But that doesn’t mean he is not running it.

  4. I’m not in the slightest bit surprised. The Russians are HUGE Reshaim! While Iran and the Arabs have some idealogical/religious reason to hate us the Russians hate us because of good old anti-semitism. They support Iran 100% and if Iran would nuke Israel (which won’t happen chas veshalom) but if Iran nuked Israel the Russians would laugh and drink more vodka as if nothing happened.

  5. Here is a similar story that took place in Switzerland during WWII.
    The president of a Jewish community asked the mayor of the city if he could sign a document stating a certain family was a relative of his so that they could escape the nazis Y”SV and gain entry into Switzerland. To what the mayor responded: “How could I lie!”; he didn’t care though if Jews were being killed…

    In Strive for Truth, Rav Dessler Z”TL explains,
    Truth is what brings to the ultimate good – False is what brings to evil.

    ‘Moral’ is very subjective if not for our Torah perspective…

  6. Does anyone think that Putin cares if Israel is destroyed in a nuclear attack? I am sure he would be delighted, Chas V’shalom.

  7. Gam zu le Tovah. B”H” everyone will increase mitzvot and tshuvah to meet this threat and merit Hashem’s speedy salvation from the modern day reincarnated Persian Haman.

    As for Putin the former KGB Colonel, his only claim to integrity is being a pure, matmid Rasha.

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