IDF Purchases ‘Saka’ Turkish Water

The military buys locally bottled water, from Israeli companies, but it appears that it also shops elsewhere, and despite the recent breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, Turkish ‘Saka’ bottled water is being purchased.

Military officials explain it is a matter of budget, adding the Israeli water companies are not hurting for business. In addition, the Turkish water meets IDF health and kashrus standards, making it a candidate. The purchase is not made directly by the Defense Ministry as relations between the countries have significantly deteriorated, but via an agent.

In the meantime, Labor MK Shelly Yacimovitz is moving ahead with a bill that would compel government agencies to buy locally produced items only.

The Defense Ministry is angered over the bill, releasing a statement that 11 sewing factories in Israel are operating for the IDF alone, but the ministry has limited funding and it must seek the best deal, even if that means making purchases abroad. Ministry officials explain that alternatively, if compelled to buy Blue and White only, it will have to purchase less flak jackets for soldiers than it can buy abroad and this is simply unacceptable.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. If the government didn’t WASTE so much money giving things away to the yishmaelim (including, STILL, to the ones in Gaza!) they would have the money to buy only Israeli-made products.
    It is DISGUSTING that the only REALLY good quality vests for the IDF are designed and made PRIVATELY by Mishmeret Yesha, a small group that cares about the first response teams in Ye”sh, but unfortunatelt does not have the resources to supply the whole IDF. They have the only vests that can protect against a hit from a high powered rifle (AK47, etc.) bullet.
    If the government was not wasting money on hand- outs to the arabs they would HAVE the money to better protect our Jewish boys in combat.

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