PA Boycott Enforcement Agents on the Move

PA (Palestinian Authority) agents responsible for enforcing the anti-Israel boycott are indeed out in the field doing their jobs. They recently detected an Arab vehicle stocked with and estimated NIS 20,000 of cleaning solvents manufactured in Yishuv Karnei Shomron, compelling them to confiscate the forbidden goods and destroy them.

The report appears in the PA press, stressing the agents will continue enforcing Prime Minister Salad Fayyad’s ban against Israeli products in the interest of maintaining the PA economy.

In the meantime, a somewhat self-destructive Israel permits PA produce to be infused into the Israeli marketplace, while continuing to forward tax revenue  funds to the PA while they PA leadership openly defies any and all agreements signed with Israel.

At times, even if one wishes to boycott PA produce for health and/or ideological reasons, one cannot since the good are often integrated in the Tnuva produce and sold in places like the Machane Yehuda Shuk in Yerushalayim, mixed with Jewish produce.

Unfortunately, we commonly read about reports of Israel Agriculture Ministry agents confiscating and destroying PA produced with high levels of e-choli, the result of irrigation in sewage water; or eggs unfit for human consumption; or meat marked as kosher which is not; and other incidents in which the PA merchants seek to distribute these unwanted items in the Israeli marketplace without regard for basic standards of health and kashrus. Nevertheless, Israel does not close the doors to PA goods, despite the recently announced and hailed anti-Israel boycott throughout PA autonomous areas. Israel on the other hand continues with good-will gestures and concessions in the hope of renewing diplomatic talks with the PA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. “In the meantime, a somewhat self-destructive Israel”, Killing ourselves with kindness.
    Being kind when firmness is required, is greatest cruelty of all.

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