Worldwide Women’s Tefillos on Behalf of Hagon R’ Eliyahu Shlita

A number of prominent women and rebbitzins have obtained endorsement from Rabbonim Shlita, moving forward to arrange an international tefilla effort on behalf of Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita. The event will take place this coming week, on Monday through Wednesday. The event is officially dedicated towards hastening the geula and for a refuah shleima for the Gadol Hador.

The tefilla effort was originally set to coincide with the yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu but Rabbaniyot Eliyahu, Kanievsky, Berlind, and Harush gave their bracha, requesting to move the event forward due to difficult situation Am Yisrael finds  itself in today.

Daphna Shimor, who has arranged a number of such events for women in Eretz Yisrael in the last year, explains that the women are privileged to dedicate the days before Taanis Esther to tefillos as Esther requested. She adds that on the third day, Wednesday, at 12 noon, a large tzibur will join in, including students in yeshivot from the dati leumi and chareidi communities, as well as public schools around Eretz Yisrael and the world. They are instructed to recite tehillim, chapters 130, 142, and 83.

“We are beginning with tefillos, and with Hashem’s assistance, we will continue until the geula” she added. A website has been established for the event. One may submit names of soldiers for a refuah shleima and for soldiers serving in the IDF. There is a telephone number for information and the three chapters of tehillim appear as well (

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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