The Judge Who Decides is a Member of Peace Now

It is abundantly clear that when an agenda benefits the left-wing and anti-religious in Israel, there is rarely ever an issue of a conflict of interests, since pushing that agenda is never controversial among the nation’s power brokers.

Another example occurred this week, but most are not likely to have been aware of the connection, concerns High Court Justice Dr. Yoram Danziger, who is one of three judges who this week demanded an explanation from the state as to why 16 homes in the Shomron have not yet been torn down as ordered.

One of those homes belongs to the widow and children of IDF Major Roi Klein HY”D (, who is best remembered for jumping on a grenade during Second Lebanon War while shouting Shema Yisrael, thereby saving many lives, the lives of his subordinates. Now they face the prospect of being homeless.

Back to the point however; the petition with the court was filed five years ago by the radical left-wing Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) organization, which devotes much time and resources to dismantling Jewish homes throughout Yehuda and Shomron. What is not publicized however is that Justice Danziger is affiliated with the organization, as was printed in a news report in May 1978, when he appeared together with Arab students speaking in Tel Aviv University, expressing their solidarity with the PLO. In that article, Danziger is described as “a Tel Aviv University student and a member of Shalom Achshav”.

One should remember, at that time, the PLO was viewed as terrorist organization by both the United States and Israel. Even Peace Now was careful in those days, not coming out in direct support of the PLO, the weekly Major Rishon reports.

In his response to the report, Danziger states that he was indeed present at the Arab student event in the university, but that is not to say that he identifies with the views of Peace Now.

When asked if it might have been fitting for the good judge to disqualify himself from a hearing involving Peace Now, a spokesman for the High Court of Justice released a statement explaining that Danziger explains he was not active in Peace Now and not among its founding members. The judge adds that in the late 1970s, he did attend public events and protests, and it is indeed possible that he did attend Peace Now events. Since so much time has passed since then he explains, he sees no conflict of interests regarding his presence at such a hearing.

Attorney Doron Nir-Tzvi, who is representing a resident of Charsha, whose home is among the 16 slated for demolition, it is indeed incumbent upon Justice Danziger to disqualify himself from a Peace Now hearing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. i have studied it as much as i can, the left’s objectives make absolutely no sence whatsoever. im very confused, do leftists like danziger hate jews?
    why cant i see what they see? its as if they never comprehend the foundation of any problem and only look at the very surface of the last 10 seconds of a problem and say “its not fair” and “i want”…

  2. Yes the left hates Religious Jews.
    They hate everything about Torah and any Jewish religious observence.
    They like Hitler want to see all traces of Judiasm and Torah erased from memory.

    And they want to bend over backwards to be more antisemitic then the non Jewish antisemites.

    In their words and actions (to the extent they can get away with such actions)you can;t tell any difference between them and those who ran the concentration camps for their Fuhrer, in WW2.

    They are liberals who hate conservative ideas like fighting terrorists and not giving away your country to appease them.

    This is why Meir Kahane called them ‘self hating Jews’, or as I call them ‘Nazilibs’.

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