Demolition orders for illegal Arab homes in the Shiloach area of the eastern capital were not distributed on Thursday as planned, resulting in a third delay.
Just this week, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat addressed the Jerusalem Conference, stating he will indeed abide with High Court of Justice orders to seal Beit Yehonatan, adding he plans to exhibit an equal measure of law-enforcement abilities regarding widespread illegal Arab construction in the very same area in which Beit Yehonatan is located, in the Shiloach area of the capital.
The mayor’s statements are seen as an inappropriate response by the radical left-wing Peace Now organization, with a spokeswoman commenting that it appears “The mayor is implementing the Price Tag [retribution policy implemented by some settlers in response to Civil Administration home demolitions] and as a result, “Barkat is not everyone’s mayor” the Peace Now spokeswoman concluded.
City Hall denies reports that the mayor is acting in retribution, explaining the demolition of illegal Arab homes is simply to permit implementation of his master plan towards providing a significantly improved lifestyle in those areas.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)