Three Soldiers Injured in Yitzhar Incident on Wednesday Night

IDF commanders report three soldiers of the Kfir Brigade were injured when a scuffle erupted in Shomron, at Yishuv Yitzhar. It appears as soldiers were preparing for a military exercise on Wednesday night, some viewing what was taking place assumed they were preparing to enter the community to demolish homes or make arrests.

Military commanders’ report about 30 youths attacked the soldiers, who tried not to use excessive force, resulting in injuries to soldiers. Soldiers were pelted with rocks and tires were used to block the entrance to the community. At least two tires on military vehicles were slashed.

Shomron Brigade Commander Colonel Itzik Bar decried the crossing of red lines by youths who now feel they may attack soldiers. One commander told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Thursday morning that the identities of many of those involved in known, and they will be dealt with accordingly in the correct time and place.

Yitzhar officials released a statement that such an incident is avoidable is army personnel would not dress as police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. If it were true that “the identities of many of those involved in known”, they would have already been arrested.
    The barak black shirts will just come back later and arrest anyone they want to, to intimidate them, and then later release them when they have no evidence to hold them on.

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