High Court Delivers Major Blow to Mehadrin Lines

The High Court of Justice on Thursday turned to Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz questioning why the committee’s recommendations regarding mehadrin [segregated] bus lines have not been implemented.

Justices Elyakim Rubinstein, Salim Jubran, and Yoram Danziger have given the minister two months to respond, asking why the mehadrin lines have not been canceled.

The committee called to cancel the mehadrin lines, permitting voluntary implementation of the service, but it appears this has not yet occurred.

Katz called for placing signs on the buses informing passengers that while they are requested to adhere to the separate seating request, they are not compelled to do so. The minister basically ignored the committee’s recommendations and the court now wants an explanation, questioning why the illegal mehadrin lines have not been eliminated.

A restraining order from the court today adds the lines may not be called “mehadrin” and therefore, anyone getting on these buses may not be compelled to adhere to separate seating requests. The court stated this will be the situation until such time a final determination is made.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Well we all have respect for the ladies. Mehadrin doesnt mean pro-men. I take mehadrin line buses every day and the mothers wouldnt feel comfortable with me sitting next to or behind them while they “feed their babies”. And yes on a hour bus ride, they do need to feed. Hence Mehadrin is also “pro-women”.

  2. Great decision. I applaud this, and I await the day ‘mehadrin’ buses will cease to exist.

    If you want to live Taliban-style, move to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, or Iran. Maybe Yemen, Oman or Iraq are also options.

  3. That’s interesting sollymon because as a resident of New York City I often find myself using public transportation, and those rides tend to be an hour or more… yet somehow I haven’t seen this constant “need to feed” over here.

  4. “…Leave the ladies alone. Show some respect!”–(no. 1)

    I agree. show REAL RESPECT–Don’t force women to suffer abuse from low-life men on crowded buses. Give them a separate area, where they will not be abused.

    My wife and daughters endorse this message!

  5. deepthinker, I don’t know anybody who has ever suffered abuse from “low-life men” on buses. If men need to be kept away from women to keep from abusing them, there’s a problem that bus segregation won’t solve.

    It’s inevitable that somebody will suggest men and women living in separate houses, maybe in separate villages.

  6. Only nazilibs would hate Torah so much that they gleefully rub their hands together at the thought of destroying all traces of yiddishkeit and force the same antio Torah secularism that the Romans imposed when they conquered Ancient Israel.

    Those who want to live like Romans should move to Rome.

  7. #7 – hereorthere –

    And, by your own logic, all those who want to live like Jews should move to EY.

    Or are you too comfortable in golus in “nazilib” America to even think of putting your money where your mouth is?

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