United Hatzalah Ambulance Attacked by Arab Rock-Throwers

Kalandia Checkpoint, Israel – United Hatzalah senior staff members Eli Pollack and Zeev Sofer were returning from a fruitful meeting with United Hatzalah leaders in Tel Zion and Kochav Yaakov. Security coordinators from the IDF, police and local first response units discussed the growing unrest in the general Binyamin area. Pollack urged greater inter-agency cooperation via the Moskowitz LifeCompass center. The IDF medical services coordinator was particularly interested in getting the units under his command hooked into the system just as the 669 medevac unit is involved. The system helps rescue units locate an incident via GPS coordinates and directs the nearest appropriate resources safely to the scene. Little did the United Hatzalah medics know that they would soon be in need of a rescue of their own.

Pollack and Sofer left the meeting on their way to another United Hatzalah event in Petach Tikvah. They were in clearly marked United Hatzalah ambulance heading towards route 443. As they passed the Kalandia junction a hail of rocks began pounding the ambulance. Arab vehicles effectively blocked forward progress of the ambulance as rock throwers brazenly closed in on the ambulance. Sofer contemplated pressing the “panic button” on his LifeCompass enabled communication device but decided that it would be wiser not bring more resources into the mayhem. Pollack wrenched the steering wheel hard to the left through a low fence and over the road divider and into the opposing lane. The lane was thankfully clear but Pollack flipped on the flashing red roller lights to announce their presence to oncoming cars and soldiers manning the nearby roadblock. They wanted to avoid another friendly fire incident similar to one that occurred last week when a driver pulled the same maneuver and was shot and seriously wounded by soldiers who felt threatened by the erratic driving.

When they got the Kalandia checkpoint and exited the vehicle they were amazed at the extent of the damage to the ambulance and the expensive equipment inside. One of the huge rocks punched out the side window and loosened a metal supply cabinet from its moorings. The lifesaving defibrillator/monitor was tossed about and severely damaged. Additional damage was caused by other rocks and Pollack’s creative but lifesaving driving. Pollack gave thanks to Hashem for their miraculous escape from harm.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. If these drivers are NOT armed, they should be, and if they WERE armed, they should have shot at the drivers of the vehicles cutting them off.
    No mercy for the yishmaeli pereh adam!
    Baruch HaSh-m these Hatzala men were not injured.

  2. They are attacking Hatzalah ambulances? What else do these chayos want?

    Am I going to have go apologize because I called chayos, chayos? Is that racist?

  3. You are right tzeeyoynee in comments #1 and #2.

    But when the Arabs who lie about the Jews actually get caught smuggling terrorists and weapons in their ambulances they sit there and deny it and claims it’s a “plot against them” .

    They love to do what they accuse Jews of supposedly doing then the Arabs who everyone sees are the real terrorists try and pretend to be so innocent.

    “Oh don’t buldoze my terrorist hideout…I mean bomb making factory…I mean weapons smuggling tunnel….I mean house…yeahs that’s it….My house………..”.

  4. Flatbush Bubby – you should apologize to the chayos. It’s an insult to animals to compare them to these “peace loving arabs”. Animals are on a higher level.

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