Report: Burglary into Maran R’ Shteinman’s Home an Inside Job

According to a report, police have made progress towards apprehending the responsible party in the burglary of Maran R’ Shteinman’s Shlita home, in which tens of thousands of dollars in cash and more in checks, all tzedaka funds, were stolen from the gadol hador’s home.

From the onset police suspected someone with information regarding the Rav’s routine was involved since one would have to have known the Rav was not at home during the hours of the burglary. There were no signs of forced entry, and the thief knew exactly where to go to find what he was looking for.

A number of days ago, police revisited the scene of the crime and gathered evidence. Officials in Maran’s home deny the accuracy of this statement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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