Report: Mossad Assassins Perpetrated Dubai Hit Against Hamas Terrorist

While Israeli officials remain silent, the investigation into the assassination of a senior Hamas commander in a Dubai hotel is turning towards Israel, the Mossad Intelligence Agency in particular.

Dubai Police Chief Dahi Khalfan announced he was seeking 11 international arrest warrants from Interpol for alleged assassins who used Irish, French, British and German passports to enter the country and murder Mahmoud a-Mabhouh.

YWN-Israel reported on Monday that Khalfan believes the Mossad is involved, a belief that is echoed in a report in the British Daily Telegraph on Tuesday, quoting a British government  source anonymously, stating Dubai should be looking in the direction of the Mossad. The report states European officials believe Mossad agents are responsible and they were simply using forged documentation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. no the israelis are not allowed to protect them self against the arab terrorist only the the terrorist are allowed to kill people jews in the eyes of the world shame on the world that the worlds even looks at them

  2. So far, the only person point a finger at the Mossad is Mr Spira and his anonymous source in the British government, if such a person exists.

  3. i agree with flatbush bubby on this one, the israelis are entitled to protect themselves.
    it should be understood that the assassination of a foreign official is a crime in international law, but i believe that since many countries recognize hamas as being a terrorist group, this is no different than the assassination of a person who perpetrates crimes against a sovereign state, which is generally acceptable.
    if it were an official from another antisemitic state, like syria, it would not be ok.

  4. I also agree with Flatvbush Bubby.
    These tarribists spread their terrorism all over the world so going wherevere necessary to send them to Allah should be just as scceptable as their terrorism is, to the world.

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