Kadima Party About to Implode

While nothing in the Israeli political arena is for certain, it is difficult to believe that something will change to prevent a split in the Kadima Party. Party leader Tzipi Livni’s refusal to move up primary elections was most likely the final straw needed for her political nemesis Shaul Mofaz to move ahead and break away from the party. It is highly unlikely that he will agree to wait out the next years as the party’s number two slot. The party charter demands primaries three months before Knesset elections.

Adding to Livni’s worries was Monday’s meeting between Livni and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who heads the Yisrael Beitenu party. Compelled to feed the media, which was begging for information, the two stated the meeting “was planned in advance” and they only discussed “political matters”, seeking to dispel conspiracy theories involving Mofaz leading the rebellious faction in his party.

Mofaz is indicating he will still work to move up the primaries, aware Livni is not about to budge, and he adds that breaking away remains an option as well. Mofaz wanted elections for the party leadership in 90 days, but later conceded, willing to accept election in a maximum of one year, but Livni is not about to voluntarily permit he leadership role to be challenged prematurely, obviously aware of her waning support. It appears Mofaz will be able to pull enough party members to launch a new Knesset party if he wishes.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Bubby,
    Kadima is a centerist party. It is positioned to the right of Labor and even the NRP, on some issues.
    of course, Israeli politics can be alot of fun if you don’t take it seriously.

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