Partition Fence Construction Begins in Modi’in Illit

For many, the ‘dream’ has vanished as bulldozers can be seen in Modi’in Illit, moving ahead with work to build the area partition fence, delineating the border between the Jewish community and the neighboring Arab village.

The border, which is intended to separate Bilin from Modi’in Illit comes extremely close to some of the periphery homes, a move compelled by a High Court of Justice decision, a response to appeals filed on behalf of PA (Palestinian Authority) villagers who contested the IDF’s original plan.

The ramifications of the High Court’s decision are harsh, with NIS tens of hundreds of millions lost as planned neighborhoods are no longer a reality since the land designated is now officially PA property.

The fact that the court ordered the fence in direct proximity to Modi’in Illit brings security concerns and some fear that it will result in a fait accompli regarding a ‘final status’ agreement and final borders in talks between Israel and the PA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. We all know the expression “man plans and G-d laughs”.
    Well, – when it comes to “final status” plans of the “High Court of InJustice”, they plan and He doesn’t just laugh, He cracks up, slapping His knee, gasping for breath, and rolling on the floor.*
    *To the commenters who will correct me – I KNOW He doesn’t ACTUALLY laugh, have knees, breathe, or have a body to roll on the floor.
    Its what we call “a figure of speech”.

  2. Rav Shach always said don’t build settelments even Frum ones. Maybe we can now learn to follow the words of our Gedolim.

  3. So?

    Under international law, Modi’in Ilit and Beitar Ilit are PA territory altogether (just as Maaleh Adumim, Chevron, Gush Etzion, Givat Zeev etc are).

    The ‘right’ should consider itself to be lucky if Israel holds on to major settlements such as Modi’in Ilit, Maaleh Adumim, Beitar Illit, Efrat, and Ariel. Maybe even the whole Gush Etzion and Karnei/Shavei Shomron areas.

    The rest is gone, face it and deal with it. As #2 said, Rav Shach (and many, many others) have always said NOT to build there in the first place.

    By the way – is this site called “Yeshiva World News”, or “Dati Leumi World News”? Sometimes I get confused.

  4. To #1: Although you meant it allegorically, it’s still a disrespectful way to refer to Hashem.

    And to the other tzaddikim, Harav Shach supported building Kiryat Sefer. At the time it was built, the area was considered “a minor adjustment of the green line”, and even had the “blessings” of Rabin and Sarid, by Rav Shach’s request.

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