Cabinet Votes to Implement Efforts to Eliminate Visas to Uman

The cabinet on Sunday voted to begin negotiations with Ukrainian officials towards the elimination of visas for Israelis. This would be a big plus for Breslov chassidim and the many others who travel to Uman on Rosh Hashanah and during the year to be mispalel at the kever of Rav Nachman.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced he favors removing visa demands from visiting Ukrainians in exchange for a reciprocal gesture for Israelis, but his plan was met with voices of protest, primarily from Shas, warning an open door from Ukraine would invite international crime and human trafficking.

A committee was established to oversee the process, headed by Justice Minister Prof. Yuval Ne’eman. The majority of the committee’s members are from Yisrael Beitenu however, Lieberman’s party, and they favor the removal of visa restrictions.

After the committee arrives at its recommendations, it will present its findings to the cabinet for approval.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Although I see going to Uman as a great Mitzva, Iagree that leting ukranians into Israel,or any other country,without restriction is indeed very dangerous and it will have a negative impact, with a rise in crime, as can be seen already in many areas.

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