MK Ben-Ari Assaulted by Arab Woman Near Kever Shimon HaTzaddik

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, who spent Shabbos in the Shimon HaTzaddik area of Yerushalayim, came under attack on motzei shabbos as he and his family prepared to leave the area.

According to Ben-Ari, local Arabs already threatened him on erev shabbos, promising him during shabbos they would get him. The threats resulted in increased security for the MK during his shabbos visit.

On motzei shabbos, as he was preparing to leave, the security agents left and using that window of opportunity, an Arab woman approached him poured water on him. The MK summoned police, requesting the woman be taken into custody, but police did not comply.

Ben-Ari explained that after the incident, he telephoned the Jerusalem Police Chief and a patrol car responded immediately. He added that he has no doubt if the same incident occurred involving a left-wing MK, the attacker would be in custody, adding “today it’s water and tomorrow acid”.

He called on Jerusalem police to get tough regarding constant threats and attacks against the Jewish population of the Shimon HaTzaddik area.

YWN-Israel learned the Arab female, a resident of the eastern capital, was taken into custody later in the night.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. She poured _water_ on him and he’s hysterical? Was it the breach of tznius or that his suit was ruined?

    And no, if it were a left-wing MK,the guy would probably interview her and invite her to speak to the Knesset.

    Why are right-wingers – in both the US and Israeli – so paranoid?

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