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Report: Israel Targeting Enemies Throughout Mideast

Israeli agents are operating throughout the Mideast, targeting enemies of the state in a hope of preventing increased joint efforts between powers including Hizbullah, Iran and Hamas, the London Times reports, directing the focus of attention to the Mossad Intelligence Agency. The report attributes the recent assassination of a World Hamas leader in a Dubai hotel room.

The Times adds the current covert operation began in December with the explosion on board a bus carrying Iranian and Hamas officials outside Damascus.

Another blast, taking place a number of weeks later during a Beirut meeting between Hizbullah and Hamas also took place, but the terror organizations tried to cover up the incident to avoid embarrassment.

Quoting a senior official in Ramallah anonymously, the report adds “Israel has overstepping their boundaries” the Fatah-aligned PA (Palestinian Authority) official states, adding “other countries do not want to become a killing field for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.

In the meantime, while not openly confirming allegations of Mossad responsibility, Israeli forces remain on alert for revenge attacks; for the murder of Hizbullah Deputy Command Imad Mughniyeh in February 2008, in Syria and the recent assassination of Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. A little less publicity seeking by the Israelis would be good.

    In Ben-Gurion’s time none of this would have seen the light of day.

  2. “A little less publicity seeking by the Israelis would be good.”

    Iirc, this london times article was done by a jino leftist oxygen thief in Yerushalyaim.

    Israel should be targeting jino media enemies in Israel as well as these jihadi scum.

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