Dr. Landau: Abu Mazen is the Same as Arafat

Minister of National Infrastructure Dr. Uzi Landau stated “There is no difference between Yasser Arafat and Abu Mazen – it’s like Jack the Ripper and the Boston Strangler. Each has his own methodology. One murders as the blood splatters on the walls and the other murders quietly but at the end, the results are the same”.

Speaking with Yisrael HaYom, Landau, the number two man in the Yisrael Beitenu Party, explains that after a year of Abu Mazen refusing to return to the negotiating table with Israel, he no longer believes the PA (Palestinian Authority) leader is genuinely interested in peace.

Landau explained that Arafat began his path as a terrorist, and even after the signing of the Oslo Agreement, he continued supporting armed resistance. Abu Mazen he explains is no different, and at the end of the day, both share a common goal, the destruction of the State of Israel, each going about it in his own way.

The minister explained that in Jerusalem, they are still trying to analyze Abu Mazen’s intentions, seeking to determine if he truly wishes to achieve peace with Israel or is he heading to war. They have yet to make a final determination, and for now, he is perceived as ‘sitting on the fence’, undecided. The very same people understand that despite the efforts of US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell and the good-will gestures by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, it is unlikely that Abu Mazen will reach a decision prior to the March convening of the Arab League.

Abu Mazen recently wrapped up a visit in Japan, heading to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A member of Abu Mazen’s delegation stated reports that the PA leader is willing to enter mediated talks are untrue. The aide added that Abu Mazen’s position has not changed and for as long as Israel refuses to comply with a total construction freeze, there is nothing to speak about. He stated the Americans are also unwilling to give guarantees in the event mediated talks are unsuccessful, so for now, the deadlock continues.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Gee Dr. Landau, thanks for finally waking up and realizing what many of us have known, ever since Abu Mazen first came to our attention, years ago.

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