Senator Joe Lieberman: Stiff Sanctions or Military Response

US Senator Joe Lieberman, who is taking part in the 46th Munich Security Conference, indicated two options remain on the table regarding the still-advancing Iranian nuclear program. The senator, serves as chairman of the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, stated that if stiff diplomatic sanctions are not implemented, or prove ineffective, then we must look at the military option, sending a clear message that a nuclear Iran cannot be tolerated.

Lieberman stated America’s military commanders are formulating a plan; one which no one wishes to see implemented, but warned in the face of diplomatic failure, this may be the only remaining option. He added diplomatic pressure must enjoy the support of the international community.

At present it appears that the permanent members of the UN Security Council are willing to move ahead with the necessary sanctions with the exception of China, which remains opposed.

The head of the conference, Wolfgang Ischinger is urging the nations participating in the gathering to take concrete steps towards nuclear disarmament, adding “a nuclear free world must be more than hot air”, telling the DPA agency that he hopes to promote this noble cause.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Now you know why Senator Lieberman could not be a LIBErAL any more.The democratic party has become the leftist liberal party. TIME to shut them done in america and in eretz Yisrael. They think talking to iran[which is parsi for areyian] will bring peace to the world. Yea just like Molotov ribbentrop WAKE UP TIME

  2. How could it be that each year for the past five years we’ve been told that Iran was a year away from aquiring nuclear weapons. Does this “year” thing ever run out?
    Its a simple operation. No troops have to be killed. Just aerial bombing of their nuclear sites. There will be plenty of time to talk with the Iranian leadership afterwards. Worse comes to worse we can tell them we’re sorry. China will have no choice but to condemn America’s hasty actions and we can tell them maybe you’re right but we’re not sure. And the stock market will soar once this world calms down.

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