Israel: Policeman Sentenced to Prison for Beating Avreich

After policeman Gilad Mizrachi was found guilty by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court in June 2009 of beating avreich Reb Aryeh Hirschkopf atop a Jerusalem rooftop, he was sentenced to one year in prison and fined for his actions. 
YWN-Israel reported on the case last year, in which R’ Aryeh was beaten without justification by the officer after he, the officer, was apparently displeased with the fact the avreich was videoing a protest on Bar Ilan St. against hosting the to’eva parade in the capital.

The plaintiff, a resident of Betar Illit, was standing with his brother on the rooftop of 25 Bar Ilan St, taking a video when a number of Yassam police arrived, with the defendant asking him “what are you doing”. The response was obvious, “taking a video”, after which he instructed him to turn over the camera. Aryeh asked “what authority permits you to confiscate the camera”, leading to Mizrachi grabbing away the camera, and then beating him.

The two decided not to accept the event without seeking justice, turning to the Justice Ministry police investigations unit.

Amazingly, in an interview this week, Reb Aryeh stated he is “sorry” that the court was so harsh on Mizrachi, “who at the end of the day, he has a family and is a policeman, doing important work” but he adds he believes there must be clear defined rule and a strong punishment sends message home. He advises others, especially in the chareidi community, to follow-up incidents and file complaints towards seeking justice.

It should be pointed out that during the trial, Mizrachi denied there was an “incident” or “beating” on the roof, telling the court he was indeed on the roof but there were no civilians in sight.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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