High Court Displeased with Minister’s Mehadrin Recommendation

The High Court of Justice appears less than pleased with the recommendation made by Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz regarding mehadrin bus lines around the country.

As was reported by YWN-Israel, the minister stated his office does not object to the continuation of the mehadrin lines as a voluntary concept, that is to say a sign must be posted in mehadrin buses explaining that passengers are not compelled to comply with the separate seating request.

Justice Danziger was cynical in his response, stating “now they just need another sign prohibiting violence on the bus” and everything will be fine.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Agreed (with Justice Danziger).

    Also, there should be non-mehadrin buses wherever and whenever there are mehadrin buses. And they should cost the same.

    Right now, for example, Jerusalem – Petach Tikvah on the 947 (regular) costs 5 shekels more than on the 426 (mehadrin).

    And for Jerusalem – Bnei Brak, the last 400 (regular) goes at 23:40, while there are 8 more buses on line 402 (mehadrin) after that, until 1:00. I was waiting there once for the 23:40 bus (got to the stop at 23:25), the 400 simply didn’t come. By 00:25 or so, we had no choice but to take a 402, and sat in front. Some readers may remember what I wrote in the Coffee Room about that experience.

    Also, from Jerusalem to Tzfas, there is only a mehadrin bus, the 982. One who does not want mehadrin, has to travel via Haifa, costing a lot more time and money.

  2. On the other hand, the 982 exists only because of the mehadrin demand for it. There used to be a private company that ran a popular mehadrin service and Egged put them out of business when they started the 982. Couples who want to sit together on mehadrin buses can do so in the middle section, I often do this with my wife and no one has ever made problems, and we’re far from the only ones.

  3. Did you ever hold any real research as to whether the passengers on the 982 really want it to be ‘mehadrin’?

    I for sure don’t.

    For me, ideally, there would be 0 ‘mehadrin’ lines. If you want to be ‘mehadrin’, walk or take a taxi or arrange for a private “hasa’a”. I’ve just had enough of the kosher buses, kosher phones, kosher internet, so much that I just couldn’t care less.

    Just last night I almost got killed crossing the street by a ‘chareidi’ woman driving a car THROUGH A RED LIGHT while talking on her cellphone. When is the last time the esteemed gedolim spoke about THAT? Oh, that’s not important – banning cellphones with cameras is much more important!

    At least Dati Leumi rabbonim speak about traffic safety.

  4. Mr Daniel Breslauer your a anti semite the way talk out against people who are trying to be holy and better then yourself.
    I like the way generalise cos one person who happened to be religious almost knocked you down.
    If you have ever crossed on a red light your much worse…
    so judge your sef before you judge others………

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