Growing Chareidi Boycott Against Strauss

After Strauss made the decision to changeover the mehadrin hechsher of Rav Landau Shlita to Rav Rubin Shlita (), it sparked a boycott against the dairy, which began in Bnei Brak, but it appears it is rapidly spreading. Reports from Kfar Chabad indicate Rav Ashkenazi Shlita has instructed local stores to remove the Strauss products from their shelves.

The growing boycott even earned a prominent slot on the Channel 10 evening news.

The speculation for the changeover has prompted an array of stories and speculation, which will not be covered here.

See previous YWN article at the following link:

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. “The speculation for the changeover has prompted an array of stories and speculation, which will not be covered here.”

    As opposed to other stories and speculation which are published here.

    (another comment which you wont publish!)

  2. While I have the utmost respect for both Rav Landau and Rav Rubin, and especially Rav Ashkenazi, this seems to be a financial questioon.
    Surely, nobody believes that Rav Rubin’s hechsher is in any way deficient.

  3. “david_inuk, what is your problem?”

    Dear “Bubby”

    My problem is the amount of undiluted loshon Horah stories directed specifically against certain quarters of Yiddishkeit that ARE publicised by this website, or have you missed them?

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