More on Fiscal Realities in the Belz Court in Eretz Yisrael

It appears that the Belzer community in Eretz HaKodesh is indeed in the midst of a fiscal crunch, prompting last shabbos’ first-ever emergency appeal. After shachris, HaGaon HaRav Pinchos Friedman, who heads Belz kollelim, stood up and spoke in the name of the Rebbe Shlita, explaining the difficult situation in Eretz HaKodesh and around the world and the impact on the chassidus’ mosdos.

YWN-Israel reported earlier in the week ( that rabbanei Belz Shlita met in urgent session with the Rebbe this week as well to address the bleak fiscal picture.

Rav Friedman called on the tzibur to exhibit mesirus nefesh, expressing an understanding for the difficulties in homes throughout the community.

At the meeting during the week, Rav Friedman spoke in detail of the staggering debt and the need to find funds to extricate the mosdos from collapse chas v’sholom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. So, I would suppose, that the upcoming Bar Mitzvah celebration of the Belzer Rebbe’s grandson next month, will NOT be as large and lavish and expensive as the preovius one……!

    Am I correct?!

  2. If you were footing the bill for the mosdos and “lavish celebration” yes you would be correct, but since your not and dont give a dime get back in your box and keep quiet!

    The belzers are very happy to support their own mosdos and when the Rebbe’s son got married 16 years ago it was the first time in 70yrs that a belzer rebbe made a chasunah, unlike in other chassidic courts or rabbinic families there is only 1 child so when they can finally celebrate let them, (unless of course you donate to their mosdos)

  3. and if i recall correctly there was a blind and childless person living in collarado that left the belzer rabbi a huge yerisha i think he should dip in to that account.

  4. I have an idea the Rebbe Shilta should tell his chassidim to stay home and not come to the Bar Mitzvah and give the plane fair to the Mosdos and if he wants to come must donate 5 times the air fair

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