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Efforts to Permit Avreichim to Travel Abroad

Efforts are underway to reduce restrictions on avreichim who are currently limited regarding their ability to leave the country. Frum men who declare they intend to study Torah full time and thereby receive a deferment from IDF service are restricted, and until age 22, they may only leave the country once in three years. After age 22, they may travel abroad once a year.

(It should be noted that once a person eligible for draft receives his induction notice, there are travel restrictions placed on him as well, as is the case with hesder students during the time they are in yeshiva).

For students who live abroad, or their families live abroad, but they make aliyah and learn here, it is most difficult, making regular family visits nearly impossible.

Shas MK R’ Amsellem and members of chareidi parties are seeking to persuade Defense Minister Ehud Barak to exhibit additional leniency, to permit avreichim to travel for yomim tovim and during bein hazmanim.

Requests made to the Defense Ministry received a response that officials are willing perhaps to amend the restriction, but not in the form of passing an amended law, which would give it some permanency.

Seeking to expedite the process, R’ Amsellem sent a request to Defense Minister Barak, signed by leaders of Yahadut HaTorah, Shas, Ichud HaLeumi and Bayit HaYehudi. Rav Amsellem appeals to the minister from a humanistic perspective, to relax restrictions that will permit avreichim to visit their parents and families.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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