Yisrael Aryeh Leib Bachar (16) Addresses the Knesset

It was truly a change from the norm, hearing the words of the young Chabad yeshiva bachur Yisrael Aryeh Leib Bachar, 16, who highlighted the need for ahavas yisrael and continuing that as per the instructions of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L. Bachar was one of the youth addressing the special Knesset 61st anniversary session, representing the chareidi community. Yisrael explained the Rebbe spoke of the need to focus daily on helping others daily, physically and spiritually, just as we are compelled to put on tefillin daily, we are compelled to assist others.

Bachar explained to Kol Chai Radio on Monday night that for him, at 16, it was no different than getting people to put on tefillin on the bus. It was an opportunity to spread a message, not the start of a career. Immediately after the address, he explains he returned to yeshiva. He was pleased with the opportunity to take part in spreading Torah and chareidi yiddishkeit, and that is where it ends as far as he views the events earlier in the day.

The For and Against of the Event:

Earlier in the week, YWN-Israel reported the weekly Eida Newspaper slammed Degel HaTorah (http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=46489) for arranging for the yeshiva bachur to address the Knesset.

Following the event, the differences of opinion still exist. Two opposing opinions are presented below, opinions that were Baruch Hashem presented in a calm respectful tone, an exchange of ideas hosted by Kol Chai Radio on Monday evening. Interestingly, the viewpoints are indeed far apart, perhaps presenting a microcosm of the differences that exist even among members of the chareidi community in Eretz Yisrael.

Excerpts from the lengthy dialogue appear below with care taken to present the viewpoints as expressed by the rabbonim.

Chabad spokesman Rav Menachem Brod obviously supported the move, which he stated was not as prominent event as many make it out to be, yet it was an opportunity for Kiddush Hashem, and that is why Chabad responded, drawing an analogy from similar appearances in secular schools and elsewhere, where the shluchim can bring the message of Torah to those who are simply unaware.

Rav Brod explains the Rebbe was of the opinion that there is a responsibility to spread Torah and mitzvos, and therefore, Chabadnikim use all opportunities, even travel on a bus or train towards achieving this noble goal.

The address was also heard by representatives of new immigrants, the dati leumi community, the non-frum – a cross section of the population and there is no reason when given such a forum, not to grab it to present the finest of chareidi life and what it is we represent.

Rabbi Abba Turetzky represented the chareidim opposed, stating a number of times that the Litvish world opted not to send someone, not from Ponovezh or from Chevron Yeshiva, emphasizing “the Knesset is their place, not ours” and it is inappropriate to send a bachur to such a forum. The judgment used to arrive at this decision was not correct, and our children are educated against the Zionism as we are speaking about in this forum.

It is clear he did not seek to enter the hearts of Ahmed Tibi, Kadima, or others, but it was an address to the audience from a young man who should be involved in learning, not shlichus at this time. The rav stated he does not view the event as an opportunity to be Mekadesh Shem Shamayim, but a “performance”.

The rav made a genuine effort to present his view, not wishing to have his message interpreted as anti-Chabad or any other chassidus for that matter. he did state that he did not wish to address the entire practice of putting tefillin on others. Nevertheless, he believes the young man is too young to be placed in “such a place” and the decision permitting him to represent “chareidi Jewry” in Eretz Yisrael was an error in judgment and even detrimental to the greater chareidi community.

When asked about the fact that chareidi MKs are there, the rav responded that Rav Gafne was a rosh kollel for 25 years, solid in his place before entering Knesset, and he and others are well-aware this is not their place, but they are shluchim of the Rabbanim Shlita, there in Knesset b’dieved, to salvage what they can on behalf of frum yidden, but always aware the place is not ours.

There was an exchange of views, and the two rabbonim remain far apart in their positions — each speaking respectfully to the other, but disagreeing nonetheless. Both are involved in avodas Hashem, but approaching the mission from entirely different places.

Perhaps the biggest outcome of the Knesset appearance of young Yisrael Aryeh was the evening discussion on Kol Chai Radio, with two rabbonim who live radically different hashkafas willing and able to hear the other out. Perhaps others will choose to follow suit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Despite the strife and religious intolerance in our Land, I’m amazed that a 16 y/o was allowed to stand before the Knesset and speak- not of his views on war, his views on poverty, or other equally noble things, but about AHAVAT YISRAEL! The “take away” lesson for me is that this message can be spread anywhere, at any time, by anyone. And for the differences both Rabbaim (as paraphrased here) share, I’m more than delighted that there seems to be no verbal mud slinging about said differences. Perhaps, just perhaps, this young man’s message is already having its desired effect…

  2. It doesn’t make sense for a Satmar to critsize Chabad for not abbiding by the satmar Shhitta!Obviasly a Chabadnik holds that Satmar has a wrong Shita! So what’s the point?

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