Update from Arad Following Another Shabbos of Violence

YWN-Israel has yet to succeed in obtaining a statement from a representative of the Gerrer Chassidic community Arad.

It has been learned however that two women, a mother and daughter actually, veteran area residents and members of the Chabad community, were among the injured. The names of the victims are filed on record but they wish to be reported on anonymously, for obvious reasons.

The mother, who we will call Rachel, was hit in the face with a chair and sustained a concussion. Rachel’s daughter was hit atop her head with a table and has two prominent bumps that serve as testimony to the traumatic blow.

A CAT scan was ordered by doctors to rule out any internal cranial bleeding. Baruch Hashem she is healing physically, but psychologically is another matter, trying to make peace with the fact that all this occurred in shul, on shabbos no less, with the ‘assailants’ being other frum Jews, not goyim.

Police continue to investigate and we can only hope that a cease-fire is accepted to avoid another shabbos of violence chas v’sholom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Yes, these are those terrible fools who would dare expect to be treated as human beings by other human beings. How painful it is to be forced to acknowledge the perpetrators of acts like this as belonging to the same species as myself, let alone belonging to the same religion.

  2. VOLVIE, and even if they did enter the men’s section was an attack the correct response? Aren’t we a chosen nation whose mantra is ‘darchei shalom’?

  3. I have come into shuls through the womens entrance specifically at the direction of the rabbi of the shule.
    The women were of course not there davening at the time, but if someone had reacted the way they did to these women here, they would be just as wrong and just as thuggish as those who did this dirty deed, against these women.

    I have often seen older girls go their fathers in the mens section during davening and I had thought their age made it extremly innapropriate
    for them to be there at that time.

    I did not say anything let alone G-d forbid start attacking them.

    How can such violence ever be excused or tolerated?

  4. I would ad that I did not even say anything because I think I am the least qualified of anyone to tell others what they should or should not do, Al Pi Halacha.

    In a shule full of men far more learned, then me, if they were not saying anything then certainly I had no place to nor would I have been recidved well if I had said anything.

    But even if I had been a qualified Rav, I still would not have even thought of using violence to let peope know of a breach in Halacha.

    And of course in this case, I do not hear any Rabbonim saying these women had done anything wrong, since the davening was over by then.

  5. The Chareidi world never ceases to amaze me.
    #1 irregardless of the motive behind these women, does anyone have the right to harm another person?

    #6 you don’t have to be learned or qualified to realize that Al Pi Menchlichkeit, NO ONE has the right to hurt another person. And if you need your Rov or Posek to teach you that, your parents did a real bad job raising you.

  6. Dear jackr,

    First of all “irregardless” is not a word, an enlightened non-chareidi should know that. Perhaps you meant regardless (the double negative in irregardless would make the word mean; in regard to)

    To answer your question, yes! If two women decide to disrupt davening, further a machlokes, and break several halachos by entering the men’s section of a shul they should be taught a lesson l’man yishmau v’yirau, so that other menuvalos not follow their example. And by the way you should ask a Rav before you spew.

  7. You moronic anti semite obnoxious heretical litvaks. Do you think that Hashem will just sit back and smile while you spout your hatred and pure sinaas chinom trying to make a machloikes between Ger and Chabad, two litvak hated groups, that doesn’t exist. Do you think that Mi Shepora m’dor hamabul won’t take it out of you. You dare step on kovod bais Ger. You allege to be above lashon hora and rechilus yet when it comes to Ger you open your arms to anything and everything, whether journalistically correct or appropriate. You sit there in your protected editorial chambers and gloat and any news that you can use to denigrate Ger. And when I’ve written anything in defense, you “decide” that my words aren’t approriate to publish. Uh oh, theprof1 is writing again, delete. There has never been any machloikes between Chabad and Ger in Arad. Stop fomenting your sinaas chinom. It won’t work.

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