Former IDF Chief Rabbi Weiss Not Pleased With Appointment

Speaking with Kol Chai Radio host Kobi Finkler, former IDF chief rabbi Brig.-Gen. (reserves) Rabbi Yisrael Weiss stated he would have preferred another candidate. Weiss was the chief military rav in 2005 during the implementation of the Disengagement Plan.

Weiss explained that he spoke with the chief of IDF Personnel Branch a number of weeks ago, expressing in his opinion, stating there are others who may have been more suitable for the job.

Some rabbonim are saying that while Rabbi Rafi Perez is indeed an exceptional individual, who has an “impressive military record and many accomplishments,” but they feel in the area of Torah knowledge he has not achieved the level of his predecessors.

Weiss explained when he was selected there were others being considered, some from outside the military framework, and he was happy that ultimately, the selection was made from within the service. He explained that when one devotes a career to the military, and one is about to reach the pinnacle of one’s career, the army selecting an outsider for the position of chief rabbi is a most disappointing move, adding that the IDF would not make such a move regarding other branches of the force, such as the Education or Medical Corps.

Weiss believes that people grow, mature and advance within the system, and therefore, the selections must be made from within, not outsiders. The current incoming new IDF chief rabbi, Rabbi Rafi Perez, is a “different type of candidate but without a doubt, a suitable candidate who possesses many unique qualities” he concluded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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