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HaEida Newspaper Slams Degel HaTorah

The weekly Eida Chareidis publication HaEida levels an attack against Degel HaTorah because next week in Knesset, Chabad bachur Yisrael Aryeh Leib Bachar will be addressing the plenum in a special anniversary session, with the Eida labeling the event “Shock and Shame”, blaming Degel.

The newspaper slams the fact that the 17-year-old yeshiva bachur is going to address the “Torah violating and uprooting Knesset”, placing the blame on the shoulders of the Ravitz family of Betar Illit, which arranged the event.

The strong language used in the condemnatory message lashes out at the fact that a chareidi youth is included among the young speakers, holding Degel directly responsible.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. If Eida is so opposed to the government, why do they still take their money?
    Wake up and smell the coffee. We live in a secular world both in EY and in Chutz. While we are obliged to do Kirov, we still must interact in a civil manner with all people, especially fellow Yidden, no matter what their level of observance.

  2. Firstly, who gives a hoot what a few self-proclaimed “kanoim” think?
    Secondly, how can the Litvaks be responsible for a Chabad bachur?

  3. Smartaleck: The Eidah is not to be confused with any group of self-proclaimed “kanoim” from whom the Eidah has disavowed any ties. They represent the “old yishuv.” Until the establishment of the State, they were one and the same as the Agudah with whom they only disagreed as to how to deal with the State AFTER is founding. Prior to that they agreed on all political and hashgafic issues.

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