American Boy Allegedly Smuggled Drugs in Peanut Butter Jar To Israel

A jar of America’s favorite snack, peanut butter, is serving as a key piece of state evidence against an American boy who is alleged to have smuggled illegal drugs in the jar.

The 20-year-old American was indicted, with the prosecution alleging he used the above-mentioned product and Vaseline to smuggle drugs. It appears that colleagues of his learned of his plans to come to Eretz Yisrael in Elul and they supplied him with the jars. He gave the two colleagues who also came to Eretz Yisrael the jars upon his arrival at Ben-Gurion International Airport. They are facing charges of smuggling and selling.

Defense attorney Ariel Atari denies the charges, stating “we are dealing with a culinary fantasy of police, nothing more”. Atari insists police have no evidence, explaining they did not find any quantity of drugs or peanut butter.

Family members of the suspect in the USA are quoted as defending their son’s innocence with the hope he will be exonerated.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. This 20 yr. old boy is my brother & he was conned into taking these drugs (by some “friends” whom he realized later were not really such good friends) in a jar of peanut butter.
    He did not know what was inside. he was just a pawn. He is not guilty.

  2. If this story is, in fact, not a “culinary fantasy of the police” I am amazed how any rachman ben rachmanim could possibly be so brazen as to con a kid into doing this. Does he have no mercy on an innocent kid and his family?

    May Hashem help all His children.

  3. My Rav, shlit”a, a world reknown poseik, at his talk just before Ne’iloh a few years ago said in our bais medrash that it you are aware of any Yid dealing in drugs, consider him a rodeif and tell the police! My Rav is not an alarmist and is extremely level-headed. His words ring truer and truer as time goes by.

  4. 1) YWN, why oh why do you continue to print misinformed gossip? Please check your facts, or don’t print. This article is incredibly inaccurate, which just leads to a bunch of sheker and idiocy in the frum world…which will only lead to further hurt of the families of those indicted.

    2) Supermom, are you perhaps the “family members of the suspect in the USA”?? If you are really the sister of one of the guys arrested then I think you would know that all of the attorneys of those indicted have instructed all parties/families/people in the know not to speak to the press under any circumstance.

    3) k9hora I have heard from the lips of gedolei b’Yisroel the same statement. Yasher koach, nice to see that at least someone around here has some sechel.

  5. Hmm, was my previous post removed or is there something off with the site? Is it because I questioned the journalistic integrity of YWN? Or for confronting an anonymous screen name claiming to be a family member? …or is it for saying that I heard something m’pi a gadol?!?!? It’s probably that last one because chas vshalom would the people on here ever accept that a gadol actually made an informed decision which goes against the grain of our nebuch insular community.

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